chapter I

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It was the last day of term and everyone was excited to be heading home for the summer break; that is everyone except Harry. He didn't want to go back and spend another summer with the Dursleys, no he couldn't go back to the Dursley. Alas as much as it frightened him he had to go back,  Dumbledore made it very clear that he had to be there because of the blood wards. Those stupid blood wards were the only thing keeping Harry from having a good summer. A summer without pain. A summer where he could be himself.
Harry was just finishing of the last bit of his packing and making sure that he had left nothing after all he would be going to the 3rd year dorms when he got back home.
     ------time skip to the train-----
Harry sat in a compartment towards the back of the train with Ron and Hermione. He looked out the window in silence watching the hills roll in the distance.
Harry didn't  say anything for most of the train ride and his friends were getting worried, they would  be arriving in under half an hour and he hadn't  made a sound he just kept staring out the window. There was something different about him, his face looked more tired like he hadn't slept the night before and his big lop sided grin was long gone, the shine to his emerald eyes lost. Hermione decided she needed to to talk to him, but she had to be very careful otherwise she might  frighten him he looks as even the smallest sound would startle him.

"Harry are you okay?" she asked the question slowly and with caution but he didn't seem to acknowledge her, or maybe he didn't hear the question. So she asked again this time louder.
"Harry are you alright?" That time he seemed to notice that she was talking to him but he only replied with...
"I'm fine 'mione" he didn't even avert his gaze from the window.
"Are you sure Harry, you know you can tell us anything right." He turned to face her and she could see the strain in his face, almost like she could hear the argument he was having with himself. hermione was stuck for answers she knew harry was different than everyone else, he struggled a lot in school and sometimes he did things like this, he wouldn't talk, for hours sometimes days, it always worried her but its just how harry has always been. he has major fits in the boys bathrooms when he thinks nobody is around, he gets frustrated with himself when doing simple tasks.but why?
I was sucked out of my thoughts by the sounds of the train stopping, we had arrived at platform 9 3/4.
Ron and I turned around to collect our trunks from the storage space above our seats.
However when I turned around I saw Harry, sitting on the bench clutching at his chest, his breathing heavy, tears streaming down his face, and he is mumbling something I can't quite understand. his legs were kicking out and the started to pull at his hair.
I got down In front of him and held his hands. I tried to tell him everything would be okay, bit im not much help if i didn't know what was wrong.
" Come on Harry Breath.  That's it in through your noise, out through your mouth... It's okay... Everything is okay... It's just us... Come on Harry look at me... Focus on your breathing... Everything will be okay"
I took a look over at Ron who was just standing with his mouth hanging open.
"Ron for once could you do something helpful and go get your mum...and bring our trunks with you so there is more space in here"
I turned back to Harry and his breathing was getting worse, his murmuring is starting to make sense.
"Please.... Don't... No... No... P-please... It wasn't... No...i pwomise" 
This is the second fanfic I'm attempting I'm discontinuing the one I was previously writing as I don't know how to keep going so I am going to try with this one instead. I'm only 15 and I'm also Dyslexic so I apologize if my writing is hard to read. Thanks for reading

Word count 707

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