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Lance opened his car door. He was wearing a blue track suit and a blue beanie, much different from his lab coat. He had a dog with him, which made Y/n happy.

Five blinked the two of them into Lance's car. Five was in the front and Y/n was sitting in the back. The sudden movement scared the dog and it barked at Y/n. She turned to it and shushed it, putting her hand on its head and petting it. She retracted her hand and started picking at her fingernails. Five put out his hand and she lazily grabbed a switchblade out of her blazer pocket and put it in Five's hand. He leaned back in the seat as Lance got in the car and closed the door.

Lance looked over and jumped when he saw Five sitting there. "Jesus!" he exclaimed.

Five got out the switchblade and the blade came out. Five put it up to Lance's neck and got in his face. "You have one chance. That's all you've got," Five whispered. "One chance-" his voice got loud and went quieter, "to tell me exactly what's going on in that lab."

Lance was terrified. Y/n mentally laughed while she continued to pick at her fingernails. Lance didn't say anything, so Y/n rolled her eyes. She put both her hands on the backs of the head rests on the two front seats and leaned forward, putting her face close to Lance's. He looked at her sideways as his breath got heavier.

"I suggest you take that chance because Five doesn't play nicely," she whispered and leaned back in the back seat and started picking at her nails again.

"I-I manufacture prosthetic devices for fake patients," Lance stuttered, glancing between the blade at his neck, Five, and Y/n. "I bill insurance companies and sell them for cash on the-" He paused, glancing between the two of them, "the black market."

"Including-" Five started.

"Eyeballs?" Y/n finished for him. Five glared at her and she rolled her eyes.

Lance glanced at Y/n and back at Five. "Y-yeah, they're my best sellers. They sell like hotcakes." He paused, looking at them again and knowing that they wanted more information. "I-I I've got a list, a waiting list, probably twenty buyers," he stuttered.

"So the serial number I gave you-" Five started.

"Could've already been bought," Lance continued. "Yes. Off-off the books."

Y/n perked up, "By who?"

"I-I-I don't know, not off the top of my head."

"I need that list Lance," Five said through gritted teeth. "Names and numbers and I need them now!"

"I don't have it. I mean, not on me."

"Then where the hell is it Lance?" Y/n asked, rudely and seeming annoyed.

"The only copy I have is in safe in the lab," Lance explained.

"Then start the car dumbass," Y/n said.

"'Cause we're going on a field trip," Five spat.


Five, Lance, and Y/n were walking on the sidewalk up to the lab entrance. That's when Y/n saw the smoke coming towards them, she started coughing. "Uh- Five. There isn't supposed to be smoke coming out of the lab is there?" She kept coughing and Five looked up.

When he saw the black smoke, he started running towards the lab. Y/n started speed walking after Five. Then it turned into a slow jog.

Glass shattered and fell to the ground as Five stopped and looked up at the lab. Y/n stopped a few meters away from the end of the sidewalk and the beginning of the pavement to go up to the lab. Five was only stood in place for a second before the lab exploded. He got pushed up and backwards by the sudden impact of the explotion.

what the hell happened to you?//five hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now