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She didn't leave. Debra and Ricky insisted that she had stayed. So, she did.

The three of them had stayed up most of the night and talked. Just got to know each other. Y/n didn't end up spilling any life changing family secrets, fortunately. They had all gotten extremely close in a matter of hours. The three of them had just clicked.

The next day, Debra and Ricky took Y/n out to go and get other clothes so she would 'fit in' better. Y/n didn't want to. She told them that she was perfectly fine with what she had on and that they shouldn't spend any money on her. But, they insisted.

So, here they were, in a dress store. Y/n kept telling Debra that she didn't need any clothes. Debra didn't care. Ricky kept telling her it was no use, which she had to believe after the tenth time.

"Fine, fine, fine," Debra said, shaking her head and stopping her searching through the racks. "Let me buy you one dress. One dress is all. We need to get you a new skirt, that one looks pretty dirty. I can wash it if we can't find anything that looks similar. We can get you a new blazer at the men's store. We'll just say it's for Ricky," she paused, looking at the two who were standing next to each other. "You look pretty similar there. I know how to sew and embroider. I can make you one of those patches," Debra said, pointing to the Umbrella Academy patch on her blazer. "I can try bleaching your button up. But, we're still getting you a new one. That one has blood from your arm." She paused, continuing to look through the rack, "You need a dress to wear to the courthouse in three days."

"Why are we going to the courthouse?" Y/n asked and the other two stiffened. Debra paused, stopping her searching through the rack.

"Mom and Dad are getting divorced," Ricky muttered.

"Oh," Y/n said. "I had no idea. I'm sorry."

Debra turned to her and smiled, "It's no biggie dear. You didn't know."


They got the black dress. They all came to an agreement. Y/n loved black and wouldn't wear anything that wasn't black. Debra loved the style of the dress. And Ricky nodded, agreeing that it was great. So, they got the black dress.

Debra had found a blazer and skirt that looked identical to Y/n's. Coincidence or not, it was lucky. They had found a few more button ups for Y/n as well as a couple for Ricky.

Debra told Y/n she had a choice on were to go one last time before they had to get back to the apartment. And she chose a salon. Debra and Ricky shrugged, going along with it.

They entered the salon and Y/n was seated right away.

A sweet looking lady walked up to her, chewing gum. The woman smiled sweetly at Y/n in the mirror. She walked over to the trash can and took out her gum, throwing it away. She walked back over to Y/n and touched her hair. "What are you thinking for today hun?" the woman asked sweetly.

Y/n smiled, "Could we cut it?" She paused and the woman nodded. "To like right here?" she asked, gesturing a few centimeters below her chin. The stylist nodded again. Y/n chuckled, "And could we dye it black?"

The woman's eyes went wide and she nodded violently. "Oh, yes. Yes, sweetheart that would suit you so well."


And after that day, the three of them were inseparable. They were there for each other for everything.

Debra and Ricky had showed Y/n their next door neighbor. Elliot Gussman. Y/n and him had become good friends instantly. Even if they looked no where near the same age. They always nerded out on weekends. Y/n and Elliot had insisted that Elliot and them all had dinner together at least once a week. Debra and Ricky had obligated and it was the new normal. 

what the hell happened to you?//five hargreeves Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang