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Y/n scoffed, closing her eyes and shaking her head. "Dammit," she muttered

"I said put your hands up!"

She huffed and turned her head, her eyes fading to normal. She sighed and stepped away from the man on the ground, putting her hands up.

The police officer lowered his gun, putting his hand on his beating stick. "There's no need for that officer," Y/n said. The officer walked up to her, grabbing her wrists and pushing her up against the hood of a random car."This is simply just a misunderstanding," she grunted as he roughly pushed her face into the car's hood.

"You have the right to remain silent," the officer said, getting out handcuffs from his pocket.

"I know, I know. Anything I say can and will be used against me in the state court of law. Blah, blah, blah," she said, shaking her head.

The officer gripped her wrists harder making her wince. He started patting her down. "Hey, hands off bud. You touch me and I'll-"

"You'll what?" the officer asked harshly.

She huffed, looking around. "Dude! There's literally a woman getting mugged over there! And here you are, too worried about me defending myself against these bitches. Who, for the record, were harassing me," she exclaimed.

Her eyes widened slightly as his hand rested on one of the pistols in her belt. She cleared her throat and recomposed herself.

"You're too young to be handling a gun," the officer said, continuing to pat her down.

"Don't touch my damn gun asshole," she sneered.

"And how old are you young lady?"

"Technically I'm thirty."

"You look like a thirteen year old," he said, grabbing her right combat boot.

"Hands off the shoes douchbag!"

"How old did you say you were? You look thirteen," he said, starting to pat her down again, starting at her shoes.

"Well, I'm thirteen going on thirty. Now get your damn hands off me."

She looked down at the car and saw her blood smeared on it. She sighed, "I don't think that the owner of this car would be very fond of some random person's blood on their ca-"

"Officer? What are you doing?" a woman's voice came from the right. Y/n's head was turned towards the car's windshield and to the left, so she couldn't see the woman. The woman sounded friendly enough though. She had a southern accent, which Y/n was not at all used to. Although, most people down in Dallas so far, had that same southern accent.

"Ma'am, please stay back. I'm arresting this girl for assaulting three people," the officer said, putting his hand out towards the woman.

"They assaulted me! I'm sorry I'm a woman that knows how to defend herself- Ouch! God dammit! Stop being such a pric-"

She kept getting cut off as the cop kept trying to push her face farther onto the hood of the car.

"Ma'am, please leave. This has nothing to do with you," the officer said.

"I think it has everything to do with me officer. That is my car that you're trying to shove that girl's face into," the woman said, crossing her arms.

The officers face dropped, "She assaulted three men ma'am. I have to take her into custody."

"I don't see anyone," the woman said. "Do you see anyone Ricky?" the woman asked, turning to someone that Y/n also couldn't see. She presumed it to be the woman's husband, but she was wrong.

what the hell happened to you?//five hargreeves Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ