Going grey

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Metra, Betty, and Beat started at the stage where Barb was. She had captured all their tribes and their leaders and was about to...you know what? You already know this, so let's get to the point already. If you don't know, look it up on Wikipedia.

Metra prepared herself for what she was about to see: her dad as a rock zombie.

No biggie she told herself I'll just be the heir to a kingdom that will be rock zombified and I'll have to lead a resistance.

As the zombified trolls came out, Metra looked her dad in the eye. Nothing.

What happened next was so fast: you know, all the action with Poppy. Then the strings broke.

A wave a gray settled across the trolls. Even Beat and Betty lost their colors. Everyone was grey--except Metra.

Her read hue still glowed, but she was in the back where no one could see her.

Metra sank to the floor.

"Why haven't I lost my colors?" She asked aloud.

It wasn't because she was deft. She could see another deft troll who was grey.

"Shouldn't I feel the end of music like everyone else?" Metra said. She had never felt her confidence so shaken before. She had stood up to the queen of rock, lead a prison riot, saw her dad turned into a mindless zombie, saw her home destroyed, yet she had stood up to it all with a fierce determination to lead her people and free them no matter what happened.

But it was like when she played on stage: she couldn't hear her music, couldn't tell if it was good or bad, so why was everyone applauding. Why, when other deft trolls had, hadn't she gone grey.

Was it because she wasn't a real techno troll, wasn't fit to rule, wasn't a real musician?

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