《Chapter 1: Why did you need to lag now?!》

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This work is purely platonic! No shipping or anything closely related to that. I will only write things that they would do, for example, Dream flirting with George, George rejecting, Bad being an awesome and best muffin we don't deserve, SapNap  being a Stalker, Techno talking about Lasagna, why he loves soapboxes and hates college E-Mails, Tommy being a woman magnet, Tubbo being adorbs and kind and Wilbur is in the Twitch Chat.

That being said, this is a male story. I could make a female/non-binary/genderfluid/... version if you want that.

Enjoy this story!

[MC] stared blankly at his drawing tablet, not wanting to continue this animation that 10k people are waiting for. It's not that he hates it, oh no he is actually very proud (for once) but the archenemy of all artists has struck him: art block.

Now, [MC] is fairly familiar with art-and writer's block. And it annoys him.

His hand hovered above the same spot for 7 minutes and for some reason, he just couldn't be bothered to continue with the animation. So he didn't. He saved his progress, which wasn't much, and opened up a new Chrome Tab. [MC] typed 'Twitch' I  the search bar and clicked on the right link, for him to be greeted by the Homepage.

A smile blossomed on his face as he realized that Tommyinnit had only started to stream. Without hesitation, [MC] clicked on the stream and watched with content the 'child' rage in amusing manners.

Once the stream ended, [MC] planned to close his tabs and continue his animation but for some reason, he somehow misclicked. He realized with horror that it was the ''Going Live'' button but his worries were for nothing because he had to choose the type of going LIVE.

[MC] tried to click on the X of the page but suddenly a loud bang was heard from behind him, which scared him immensely.
With that, he didn't realize that he was live, showing the world his Work In Progress but luckily not his face.


It has been established that his 4 annoying siblings had started to fight. Again. [MC] simply sighed, not in the least affected by this chaos.

''Look. I know that you love to annoy each other very much but if you guys continue, I'll guarantee you that you won't get any macaroons if you don't stop immediately. Capiche?''

''Shut up-''
''Don't you dare continue to argue against him!''
''He doesn't do empty threats, remember you idiot?!''

His siblings dragged Louay out of the door, telling him to shut up and not to be such a big idiot.

[MC] simply chuckled, happy that his siblings learned to take his threats seriously.

His peaceful and quiet break got interrupted by a robotic voice.

Undynesteponme donated 5€
''Oh my god, this is such an awesome family interaction.''

He froze and slowly looked at his desktop.

He was streaming on Twitch for a whole 8 minutes and he didn't notice it until the first donation.

Another donation came up.

Potatoesaredelicious donated 10€
''I think they aren't aware of the streaming, lmao."


Your Local Perry donated 20€
I found my new favorite streamer lmao.

[MC] sprinted towards his desk, which he had left earlier to check on his siblings, and clicked frantically everywhere to stop the streaming. But it seemed that his computer decided to lag right now, as it prevented him from closing the tabs. He couldn't simply turn his computer off as it would damage it more than it is and [MC] didn't know how to unlag it.

With defeat, he slumped down on his chair and read the chat, realizing that he couldn't escape this situation. It wasn't that bad. He only had to talk a bit until his computer decided to stop lagging and then he will stop this and never stream again.

"...Well dang."
"...how many viewers do I even- 20 THOUSAND VIEWS?! WHERE DO YOU ALL EVEN COME FROM?!"

The chat went crazy, finding his shock and reaction amusing. More donations came in and finally, someone explained how that happened.

TechnobladesAxe donated 20€
Someone tweeted a clip and it went viral. People were interested and decided to join this stream. And now another clip went viral with how you were clueless that you were even live in the first place.

[MC] stared at the donation for a minute, still processing the information.

"I'm sorry, what."
He shook his head, sure that it was all an imagination.

"Please tell me this is a- 40 THOUSAND VIEWS?! Allah save me right now. I'm only live for 15 minutes and I somehow gained the attention I didn't want. Where did I go wrong? Is it because I threatened my siblings? No. That's normal. Maybe because I stole Jasmin's food a week ago? No, she started first. Maybe because I suck at Math?...yeah no, everyone sucks at math besides Jasmin. She is already a masochist.

Ereriiscanon: LMAO
dayum: poor dude wanted to animate in peace.
DreamSimp: I swear he is representing us all.
Ufffff: RIP
Jalala: Are we ignoring the threatening of his siblings?
Dashirunrunrun: He reminds me a little bit of Dream, no?
Jesus: woAH HiS vOiCe-
Toxx: where is your face???

[MC] inhaled in and out.
"This is my first and last stream. I am not gonna embarrass myself more than necessary, I do that without 50 THOUSAND PEOPLE WATCHING ME. I am pretty sure I can't even breathe right with my Asthma." (lmao I have Asthma and it sucks.)

He leaned back on his chair and watched the chat explode with reactions. A chuckle escaped his mouth as he read some of the comments, intending to remember them for future references.

It seemed that his chuckling had caused a massive uproar in the chat.
He wasn't gonna lie, it was highly amusing.
Until he continued to animate and people started to pester him with questions.
Answering a few wouldn't hurt, right?

Oh, how wrong he was.

《Bro, I swear, I didn't mean to stream!》[A Dream S(I)MP Male Insert]Where stories live. Discover now