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Feeling Pity


: "I'm pregnant, and I want an answer"

[She said as she stood there staring at him with all the faith she had in him]

                 <<<5 YEARS BACK>>>

Suri: "I want to talk to you" [she said to her father]
Stuart: "What is it honey?" [he replied]
Suri: "Dad, Um I gave interview today at the cafe and they selected me So I wanna work there..."
Stuart: "But why, I know we have financial issues but there's no need for you to work"
Suri: "Dad, I know that but If I work I will be able to take responsibility of myself, That'll help us both, We can save money too" [she said convincing him]
Stuart: "What job is it?" [he asked her]
Suri: "A waitress but I'm completely fine with it dad, I can do it." [she said smiling]
Stuart: "Okay honey"
They hugged.
Stuart: "I love you"
Suri: "Me too"

Days passed as Suri started working in the DAFFY'S CAFE.

Suri Harrington (17) was in her highschool, pretty girl with an average body type, 5"4 height and good heart.

Kent Fredrickson (31) was the Chief executive manager of One of the leading clothing company IVAGA. Average looking guy, average body type, 5"9 height, workaholic, and an introvert.

Suri lives with his father and younger sister Ella (14), her father works as the supervisor for construction sites. Her parents got separated 13 years ago and her mom remarried her bestfriend, Suri is in Highschool.

Kent known by his nickname Fred. Lives with his mother Adriana (50) in california, his father died when he was in his teenage. He had a very depressing childhood, all of the financial problems made his life worst, which is why now he is way too dedicated towards his work, he don't want to face poverty again so after founding his very successful clothing company IVAGA at the age of 23, he spend all of his time working and gaining loads of money. He never fall in love because he always was way too busy.

Kevin raymore (kent's secretary).

Kent was in his office cabin, sitting on the chair, it was 20:00.

Kevin: "Sir, Your schedule for today is clear, No tasks left"
[he said as he entered Kent's cabin]
Kent: "Good"
[he said as he hold his hand on his head]
Kevin: "What's wrong sir? Are you alright"
[he asked worried]
Kent: "Yeah, just severe headache"
Kevin: "May I bring you some pain killers?"
Kent: "No, I'm exhausted, I just need to get out and have some fresh air, I'll be fine"
[he said looking at Kevin]
Kevin: "Sir why don't you go for a walk before going home."
[he suggested]
Kent nodded yes.
Kent: "That's a great idea, I'll do that kev"
[he said smiling]

Kent stood up, took his stuff and started leaving the office.

He came out of the building, sat inside his car, and started driving.

Kent to himself:
"Daffy's cafe, God that's what I needed the most, a cup of hot coffee"

He parked his car in front of the cafe, and went inside.
He sat at an nearby table and started reading the menu.

"what can I bring for you sir"
He heard someone said.
He raised his head to see the person.

He got shocked.
Kent was amazed seeing the girl standing next to him.

Kent thinking 'She is so beautiful, Her eyes, her smile everything is so perfect! She is so innocent and pure I just can't take my eyes off her, but wait Fred, don't act awkward, just stop gazing at her like that. You can't show your feelings'.

Suri: "Sir??"
[she asked again as he didn't replied]
He came back to his senses.
Kent: "Yeah.."
Suri: "Are you going to order something?"
Kent: "Yeah, yeah sure, One strong coffee"
[he said hiding his feelings]
Suri: "Anything else sir?"
Kent looked at her from the corner of his eye as she was writing his order.
Kent: "I'm confused"
[he said looking at her]
Suri: "We have lots of sweets if you like to have one..."
[she suggested]
Kent smiled.
Kent: "Bring me the one you like the most!"
[he said calmly and smiling]
Suri: "Sure, I'll be back with your order"
[she smiled back]
Suri left.

Kent was watching her as she left.
He really liked her.

Kent thinking 'she is so beautiful, I just wanna see her everyday, I never felt like this for someone else before, God she's too young, what is happening to me?'

Few minutes later.
Suri came back with a cup of strong coffee and a black forest pastry.
She placed coffee and pastry on his table.
Suri: " Here sir, your coffee and the best black forest cake"
Kent smiled.
Kent: "Thank you"
Suri smiled and left.

He finished his coffee and cake.
And came to the counter to pay his bill.
Suri was in the kitchen he tried to catch her glimpse but failed.

Cashier: "Here's your change sir"
Kent to the cashier: "What's the name of that waitress in the blue denims?"
[he asked to cashier Ryan]
Ryan: "Oh she's Suri."
Kent: "Cool, give the change to her"
[he said smiling]
Ryan: "As a tip?"
Kent nodded yes.
Ryan: "Sure sir!"

Kent left the cafe.
Sat in his car and started driving towards home.

Kent to himself:
"Suri, what a lovely yet unique name! A very rare name just like herself."
He smiled.

To be continued.....

Feeling PityWhere stories live. Discover now