Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Third Person

Ablaze. Adrian's skin visibly paled ghost white as Elliot's glowing grin exposed his pearly colored perfectly aligned teeth giving away his scandalous intentions. At this very moment Adrian couldn't imagine what possibly got Elliot into juvie, nor did she think she wanted to know. He is malice in human flesh, wild as wild gets, yielding to nothing and no one, not even laws. Elliot was Elliot, an audience boy she cared too much for, one that she liked more than she should, and one that was anything but boring. So she knew he wasn't kidding.

Not even in the slightest.

She couldn't help but think about how he said he doesn't take his pills. So does he even think clearly? Does he know that if they were to set fire to this house, if they were caught or even suspected for doing such a thing, the end result would be nothing short of severe? Doesn't he know how dangerous a raging fire can be, especially when they weren't skilled experienced arsonists, or maybe he was but she definitely wasn't? They could get hurt, they could get killed.

She hated how the thought didn't unnerve her as much as it should, but she forced herself to think logically. Deep down she knew even though Elliot didn't take his pills, he thought clearer than any individual she had ever met. He was just impulsive, very very impulsive, and maybe a bit too headstrong but he was also beyond intelligent.

One of Elliot's bony hands held her wrist while his other one held the metal tweezers. She winced as the cold tweezers dug into her milky skin. "Elliot, that's absurd and crazy. You're not even taking your p-pills—"

"Those pills disable me from thinking straight Adrian. Those pills are poison to your brain." He growled, digging the tweezers deeper, causing her to suck in at the sting as he maneuvered them not so gently to get the painful shard.

Adrian frowned. "They're supposed to help you—"

Elliot pulled the glass out igniting her red swollen flesh, dropping it into the porcelain sink. "Is that what you tell your parents every time you skip taking yours, hmm?" Elliot taunted harshly, throwing the tweezers to the side, eyeing her with patronizing cobalt irises and lethal pressed lips.

She held onto her injured palm silently looking at her vans, which she wore only because they reminded her of him. She had no right to judge when she did the same thing. "No, I didn't fucking think so." He stated grabbing her chin, lowering his velvety voice. "If born psychotic, why hide it when you can embrace it?" After scanning her face, taking in her reaction he let go of her chin, content with what he was seeing.

"I didn't mean it like that." She whispered, now fiddling with her fingers ignoring the pang in her palm, avoiding looking at the lovely boy with an equally lovely mind before her, bipolar or not. "I just meant setting a house on fire could get you back in juvie or—or even jail and I don't k-know what would happen to me." And she wouldn't be able to see him if that happened is what she didn't say.

She dared a glance at him. "And your mind is extraordinary, psychotic or not."

Elliot leaned forward then, close enough that his sultry breath shocked her clammy skin all the way to the very tips of her toes. "I'd like to think so." He said lazily, pinching a strand of her hair between his fingers. "And sunshine?" He prompted as if a question. She couldn't speak so instead she hummed in response as she flushed all shades of pomegranate. "You are majestic."


Adrian followed Elliot around the house as he took the gas can and splattered the gas on the walls and floors of the house, she was silent, still caught up on how Elliot called her 'majestic'. It all but shocked her and flattered her, he didn't know how much that simple compliment meant to her. He never gave her compliments and god did she cherish it. She couldn't find it in her to argue with Elliot about this crazy idea, not when he wouldn't listen or even acknowledge what she thought about it anyway. When his mind was made up, that was that and nothing could change it, not even her.

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