Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Third Person

"We can't skip school Elliot, we'll get in trouble." Adrian's rushes out as Elliot pulls her through multiple hallways so they can exit.

"We can and we are," He states, jerking her left through yet another hallway. "Trouble is my middle name sunshine."

How could she reason with someone like Elliot? He was the type of boy who did whatever he wanted without so much as a thought about the consequences. Nobody got in his way and if they did, they would surely know it and definitely regret it.

As she jogged to keep up with his gigantic steps her head spun with all the problems and difficulties that would stem from her skipping. "I d-don't want to, I'll stay here." She insisted, just as they reached the iron doors that led to the parking lot.

Elliot stopped for the first time since he decided they were skipping, one hand on the door handle, and the other on Adrian's wrist. Slowly his head turned in her direction, now giving her his full attention, his mahogany hair a disheveled mess.

She couldn't help but admire him.

His cobalt eyes pierced right through her, annoyance dancing along his lovely features. His red lips were set straight, his eyebrows narrowed as if daring her to say more, to deny him again.

Adrian paled, Elliot was so beautiful but he looked so terrifying right about now, dangerous.

"It wasn't a fucking question," He says, his tone lowering. "You are coming."

She gulps. "But-."

"-But nothing little Adrian," He hissed, squeezing her wrist a bit harder. "Now don't make me tell you again or you won't like it, yeah?"

Would she be okay alone with him? Would she need her mom?

Her eyes widened at both his harsh words and the tight grip on her wrist. Just the tone of his voice alone had her nodding her head. That was all it took for his grip to loosen and his lips to curve just barely into a look of content? She didn't know, trying to read Elliot was like trying to read an instruction manual in Chinese. Impossible.


With that, they continued outside, and to the parking lot they went. He brought her to that same blacked-out truck that he drove in when he brought her home on that rainy day. It wasn't a small truck either, so getting into it is a bit of a struggle.

Elliot placed his hands under Adrian's armpits and lifted her right off her feet as if she were a bundle of feathers and set her down in the passenger seat. A surprised squeak escaped her lips at the unexpected action.

She was really leaving, really skipping school. She couldn't deny the anxiety rippling tight in her chest or the hastened speed of her heart. The feelings were quite pronounced and could not go unnoticed.

"I could've done it." She insisted, voice quiet. She was afraid if she talked too loud she would set Elliot off, his temper you could say was a bit intimidating.

A subtle twitch of his soft lips had her staring, his long dark lashes just about touched his cheeks whenever he blinked. "I didn't ask if you could, did I?" His voice carried an underlying insolence.

She broke her gaze away from him, her cheeks searing with warmth. Being alone with him made her extremely nervous and when he mocked or called her out on something, it made her want to crawl into a crevice and disappear. She didn't like how he intensified her feelings.

Not being able to find her voice she shook her head in answer.

His tone was a quiet demand. "Answer the question with your words, you have them for a reason."

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