Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Third Person

Together Adrian and Oliver approach the daunting lunch table where Elliot Wilds and his friends sit. Adrian was becoming more anxious by the second, she wasn't ready to see Elliot again, but a tiny part of her couldn't help but be giddy to see the pretty boy.

She didn't like people touching her, yet when Elliot did she didn't mind, it made her all warm inside. But he kissed her and that was inappropriate. She wasn't even sure he liked her, he made it clear he didn't want to be friends, which made her sad but that's what he wanted.

She couldn't be friends with everyone.

"Angel, you look beautiful today." Red chimes as a greeting, a charming smile capturing his gingery features. He's sitting between the brown-haired boy Easton and on his other side at the end of the table in his signature spot sits the beautiful boy Adrian is trying to avoid.

Adrian's cheeks grow warm instantly, Red is so sweet to her. "T-thank you Red." She murmurs. She wasn't exactly completely comfortable sitting here yet, but she wasn't as scared as before either, just a small nervous tick at the back of her brain.

He waves his hand. "No need to thank me, the truth is the truth." He then brings his eyes to Oliver, looking him up and down, and after winks. "So don't you handsome, Oliver right?" Oliver nods nervously and Red's smile grows. "Shy boy huh? Cute."

Oliver's cheeks immediately flush. Phoenix whistles from the other end of the table, while Payton and Kiera laugh. "Careful ginger, soon enough you'll be complimenting the whole school if you continue at this rate." Phoenix jokes.

"Careful sister." Red retorts. "Or I might think you're jealous. I'm a nice boy, what can I say."

Phoenix rolls her matching jade eyes which Red ignores, not bothered by his annoyed twin sister. He then pushes Easton with his arm. Easton raises an eyebrow. "What the fuck man, get your hands off of me."

"I will when you move, Oliver's sitting next to me today." Red states, eyeing Oliver while continuing to push at Easton.

The brown-haired boy glares then finally stands up letting out an annoyed sigh. "I'm up, I'm up, stop shoving me." He grumbles, walking around the table to sit next to Elliot, just as he's about to pull out the chair Elliot throws his feet up on it. "Really dude?"

The beautiful boy's cobalt eyes narrow, his jaw freezing mid-chew of his mint gum. "Take your fucking feet and walk them over to blondie, this seat is taken," Elliot says lowly, the threat clear in his voice as he refers to Payton and her dirty blonde hair. He then brings his piercing eyes to Adrian, raking her up and down. "No need to stand there and look stupid sunshine, take your seat."

Adrian's cheek flare, the blush more than noticeable. She quickly scurried to the seat Elliot has his feet on feeling embarrassed. He just called her stupid, did he really think that about her? As she pulled out her chair, his feet dropped to the ground with a thump. She sat keeping her shiny eyes down, hurt that Elliot called her stupid.

Easton followed Mr. mean boy's directions and took his seat next to Payton with a huff while Oliver indeed sat next to Red. Poor Adrian was stuck next to Elliot, who was already to no surprise being cruel. At least Payton was also next to her.

Payton nudges her. "Hey girly, are you having a good day?" She asks, studying Adrian's face. "Or do I need to put a smile on those lips."

At that Adrian's lips curve up in the corners. "I'm good Payton." She mumbles trying to hide the hurt in her voice due to the intense blue-eyed boy. Without realizing it, she even goes as far as to indulge in conversation which is very unusual for her. "What about you?"

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