Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Third Person

Adrian had no other choice but to jog a step behind Elliot, not wanting to trample down onto her knees and scrape them from not being able to keep up. His hand was firm around hers. A stone keeping her glued to him, as they strode over mowed grass, through the old ruptured parking lot. In which her friend's white SUV was parked alongside the crooked blacked-out truck she has come accustomed to riding in. Crooked, as if Elliot parked it in a careless haste before jumping out of it. She could imagine he slammed the door as well, believed it actually.

One thing was for certain, this boy with his hand clasped around her was infiltrated with fire. Blazing hot, untamable fire. She could feel it, see it, was breathing in the fumes. She nearly coughed, wanting to speak but catching herself before she did. Right now her words would be unnecessary, fuel to whatever resided inside him. She'd wait to speak, at least until he spoke first because being on the other end of Elliot's wild gaze wasn't the place to be when he was furious.

Breathing heavily on their somewhat short but quick venture, they, at last, reached the hulking truck. As Adrian made to step for the door handle to the passenger side, the hand holding her hostage yanked her back and without a whisper of a thought, twisted her so her back was swiftly pushed against the truck's exterior right before the door. The air in her lungs stuttered, catching, at the cold surface. But unlike last time the collision was gentle, well as gentle as Elliot would ever get.

She didn't even have a sliver of thought as his other hand stole her wrist, pinning both her arms above her head leaving her defenseless. Trapped. Now that fire burned into her very skin, his physical contact emitting kindling flames to the very dregs of her soul. She stared at the dangerously stunning boy in front of her noting the soft curve of his blood-red lips pulled into a straight gritted line. Stared at the tightness of his jaw and the tender but exquisite bones of his cheeks. Sharp but breathtaking even now, always no matter what expression splayed on his face.

She broke, speaking first, breathing his name in both surprise and question.

He didn't so much as twitch. "That's my name baby." He said in a low purr, his thumbs beginning to rub the insides of her caged wrists. Baby. The endearment warmed her rosebud cheeks as she failed to keep her chest steady and the air in her lungs controlled. Was he mad at her? Why was he always calling her that? Under the cobalt of his irises, she felt exposed, especially as they raked her up and down searching the features of her face. "And I don't think my name was mentioned when you decided to have a little tea party with my friends. Why is that?"

She didn't know they didn't tell him. In fact, she had been wondering where he was the whole entire time. She tried and failed to shrug her shoulders. "I didn't know." She murmured honestly, willing herself to stay still and not squirm but she didn't know how long she could last. "Payton knocked on my door and asked me to come. I-I didn't know they didn't tell you." She explained nervously, biting the inside of her cheek, as she hoped for him to understand.

Elliot shifted, pulling her wrists together so he could hold them in one hand, while the other came down tracing the perimeter of her ear, down the soft line of her jaw. Her heart boomed, reacting to the indescribable butterflies he gave her. She wondered if he felt the same. "I'll have to have a brief chat with them then, won't I?" He said, his voice a deep velvet entwined in smooth silk as his index finger dipped down the length of her neck and to her collarbones. She twitched, his very touch tinkering the nerves inside of her leaving trails of dusted prickling stars. "And then we won't have this little dilemma again, will we?"

Adrian couldn't help it, she began to squirm as she pondered what time it was and the unmissable malice lingering in his tone. "I can't be late." She whispered breathlessly, her face scalding as her eyes darted around her. "My p-parents will be upset."

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