Chapter 6: The Nightmare

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"Zuko," he heard faintly as if spoken by a distant ghost. Zuko wearily opened his eyes just enough to briefly look at the room around him. There was no one there, it had just been his imagination. He rolled back over and laid his head against his red silk pillowcase hoping to fall back asleep quickly.

"Zuko," he heard again only this time it sounded as if whoever said it had a hint of fear in their voice. He took his pillow and covered his ears. Whatever he was hearing was not real he was sure of that. To his dismay he heard his name once more, clear as day despite the pillow covering both of his ears. At this he shot up and looked around the room searching for the source of the ethereal voice.

There was no one there and yet once more he heard the voice, "Zuko help me, she's found me Zuko."

Now more alert he realized the voice he was hearing was his mothers. He ripped off the covers and ran for the door, swinging it open and looking frantically both ways down the large palace hall.

"Mom! Where are you?" Zuko shouted, his heart rate increasing rapidly as he desperately tried to find where his mother was.

"Zuko I am running out of time, help me!" his mother said. Her voice sounded like an angel who was slipping away from existence. He was running out of time and so he took off to the right down the hallway following his gut.

"I'm coming mom!" Zuko shouted as he quickened his pace. He took a sharp right turn down a smaller hallway that led towards the observatory tower.

In the distance he heard what sounded like a child's distorted laughter. A playful laugh that held a sinister edge underneath.

Zuko kept running. He took another turn and saw a shadow rush by at the other end of the hallway. His mother was alive and she was in danger. He had lost almost his entire family and he could not lose her again.

"Zuko!" He heard her voice clearly this time and she sounded terrified. He pushed his body to its limit and flew through the long hallway before taking a sharp left turn. What he was met with stopped him in his tracks.

"Hello Zuzu, so glad you could join us," Azula said with the same facial expression as the one she had when they fought their agni kai.

His heart stopped when he saw his mother's limp body being held like a trophy by Azula. He was too late. He couldn't find his mom in time and he could not protect her from Azula.

She dropped their mother to the ground like she was nothing and got in a fighting stance. Zuko's chest began heating up and his breath became deeper and more frequent. He could feel the anger boiling inside him.

He took a deep breath and charged at his sister, fist already clenched and aiming for his sister's head. To his horror when he struck with it he did not produce any fire.

Azula's laughter became uncontrollable as she reveled in the sight of her brother. The all-powerful fire lord, ruler of the strongest army the world had ever seen could not even produce a puff of smoke. Her eyes turned orange and uncontrolled blue flames erupted from her hands, shooting in every direction and scorching the ground around her.

"It's time to reclaim my throne from you brother," Azula said laughing hysterically, "but not before I make you watch everyone you have ever cared about suffer!"

In the distance he heard the cries of Aang, Katara and Suki, a terrified shriek from Toph, a call for help from Ty Lee and cries of pain from Mai, Sokka and his Uncle.

Zuko fell to his knees and stared at his hands which were trembling uncontrollably. He had become what he had always feared of being, a powerless fire lord who let everyone he loved get hurt. He looked up and was met by Azula's deranged eyes. She brought her index and middle fingers together and let lightning crackle between her hands. In one swift motion she sent the lightning towards Zuko, and this time, it hit its mark.

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