Chapter 21: A Special Gift

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Zuko woke up early the next morning and rolled over, only to remember Sokka slept in his own room last night. The realization saddened him, but he couldn't expect Sokka to stay the night with him forever.

He grabbed his bag full of clothes and other necessities and carried it with him to breakfast. Sokka was waiting for him there with his own bag and a few weapons.

"I have a surprise for you," he said to Sokka as he set his bag down. He pulled out a long box covered with a silk cloth and handed it to Sokka.

Sokka raised his eyebrow as he handed the gift to him. Zuko really hoped he liked the gift because it had been difficult to acquire on such short notice. Sokka removed the cloth and let it fall to the floor. An ornately crafted wooden box protected the gift. Sokka's face lit up when he opened the lid. Zuko knew he had done well.

"Zuko... it's... it's amazing!" Sokka beamed as he withdrew the sword expertly crafted by master Piandao specifically for Sokka. "How did you get this?"

"I may have sent a messenger hawk out a few days ago while lying in bed recovering," Zuko smirked in triumph. "I also sent a messenger hawk to Aang in the Earth Kingdom. I asked him to meet us in Ba Sing Se tomorrow. We'll need all the help we can get to take on these bandits."

The thought of fighting off the bandits with his new sword clearly invigorated his friend, but what invigorated him even more for the time being was the special breakfast the chef had prepared for their departure.

The two ate their breakfast before heading out to the courtyard in front of the palace. Awaiting them was a brand new war balloon that Zuko had built when he became Fire Lord.

"It's no Appa, but it'll get us to Omashu in no time," Zuko said hoping Sokka wouldn't be upset by it.

"Appa will be very offended," Sokka teased before climbing onboard. Zuko followed suit and got it up and running. The balloon rose high into the air and they were granted an ariel view of the city and the surrounding mountains.

The palace looked like a tiny dot from way up there, and Zuko thought it looked less intimidating from above.

Sokka pulled out a pai sho board and asked Zuko to play a game. The game went on for quite a while before Sokka masterfully annihilated Zuko to his annoyance.

"You've been playing with my uncle without me haven't you!" Zuko accused to which Sokka shrugged his shoulders like he did not know what Zuko was talking about. "Another round."

The two played a few more rounds before Zuko gave up and went back to stoking the fire. He had to admit Sokka had beaten him fair and square, but it didn't make it any less embarrassing.


Night fell and the boys set out their sleeping bags on opposite sides of the war balloon's floor. Sokka fell asleep within minutes but Zuko couldn't fall asleep. The distance between them was driving him crazy and he didn't know why.

His eyes fell upon the sleeping water tribe boy and he felt conflicted. Sokka was his friend and they had grown really close over the past few weeks. He had never had any close friends before he met the gang, so all of this was new to him. He wasn't sure what was normal and what wasn't. All he knew was Sokka looked so peaceful sleeping, and after a while his eyes drifted shut too.

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