Chapter 16: Iroh's Decision

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The flames burned hotter in front of the Fire Lord's throne today. He had nearly been late to his first meeting of the day, and he did not want to look bad in front of generals who already doubted his ability to lead.

The meetings dragged on and his patience wore thin. How was he supposed to rule a nation, stop a plot to destroy his nation, and live his life when these meetings took up most of his days?

While his previous declaration that he would no longer tolerate his advisors ignoring him and arguing amongst each other was working, he still felt thoroughly unprepared to deal with the mountain of issues they brought to his attention.

The meetings eventually ended, and as soon as the last of them had left the throne room Zuko let out his pent-up anger. He shouted at the top of his lungs, causing the flames surrounding his throne to burn hotter and shoot towards the ceiling.

He did not enjoy feeling angry anymore. He had spent so much of his life being angry, but in the moment it felt like he was losing control of everything.

Zuko put out of the flames and rushed out of the throne room. He found his uncle playing pai sho with some of his friends. "Uncle, may I have a word with you?"

Iroh excused himself and the two went out into the hallway. His uncle looked happy to see him and asked, "is something on your mind Zuko?"

"I need your advice," Zuko sighed. He hesitated before continuing, "I feel like everything is out of control. I need to get to the bottom of the plot against our nation and the rest of the world, but I'm already struggling to be Fire Lord without anything else requiring my attention."

"Hm, you want to know how to juggle several balls at the same time without dropping them," Iroh said and closed his eyes as if remembering some long-lost memory. "I remember when I was off fighting in the war. I had to balance being a father, a husband, a general, and the Fire Lord's brother. I realized it was impossible to be all of them at the same time far too late."

"What are you saying Uncle?" Zuko asked more confused now than he was before.

"I'm saying you must choose what you value most," his uncle replied, opening his eyes to meet Zuko's.

"I value protecting my nation above all else," Zuko said confidently. Although after he spoke the words he wondered how much truth they held.

"Then the choice is a simple one," his uncle said and smiled, "but it is one only you can make."

Zuko understood what he had to do. "Uncle, what I am asking of you is a heavy burden, but I would like you to temporarily assume the role of Fire Lord while I uncover the truth behind this plot."

"Lord Zuko you cannot give up the throne, it is your birthright to rule the Fire Nation," Iroh protested.

Zuko had thought over his decision for days. All he needed was his uncle to help him know it was the right one to make.

"I'm not giving up the throne uncle," he said putting his hand on his uncle's shoulder, "I am entrusting you to keep order while I do what I must do to protect my nation."

His uncle stood pondering his nephew's words. Zuko knew he was asking a lot of his uncle, but he also knew his uncle was a natural leader, even if he did not enjoy being one.

"If you believe this is what is best for the Fire Nation," his uncle said calmly, "then it would be my honor to take your place for the time being."

"Thank you uncle!" Zuko said and broke his formality to hug his uncle. Iroh hugged his nephew back before the two let go.

"I suppose this means I will have to postpone my pai sho tournament," Iroh said, the disappointment clearly displayed on his face. Zuko knew he was only half serious. He loved pai sho, but he could do without playing it for a little while.

"I don't even know where to start," Zuko told his uncle, hoping he would have more advice to give.

"I might be able to help with that," came a familiar voice.

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