Chapter 17: The Prison Break

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Sokka stood behind Zuko with a serious look on his face. The Fire Lord thanked his uncle again and they excused themselves before heading to Zuko's study to speak in private.

"What have you found out?" Zuko asked, eager to learn about any information that could be of use to them.

"I think there's going to be a prison break," Sokka said without a hint of his usual sarcasm.

"What? Where?" Zuko asked in disbelief.

"The supermax prison your sister is currently being held at," Sokka replied, trying to not make it obvious he had been to visit her.

"How do you know where my sister is being held?" Zuko asked with suspicion. He didn't remember ever telling Sokka where he had sent his sister after their Agni Kai.

"It doesn't matter, what matters is that we have a chance to find out who is behind all of this," Sokka said. Zuko didn't like that he was trying to dodge his question, but Sokka was right, stopping it before it could take place was more important.

"So what's the plan to stop it?" Zuko asked. Sokka was a master strategist and he trusted him.

"The plan is not to stop it," Sokka said, making Zuko raise his brow in suspicion. What did he mean the plan wasn't to stop it?

"I know what you're thinking so let me explain," Sokka said before Zuko could object. "We won't know who else is involved in all this if we stop the prison break from happening. We need to let some of the prisoners escape so we can follow them to whoever's in charge."

As much as Zuko didn't want to admit it, Sokka had a point. The prisoners would give them more information if they escaped than if they were interrogated after the prison break.

"How are we going to ensure prisoners like my sister don't make it out?" Zuko asked. Sokka perked up like a kid who knew the answer to the teacher's question in class. "Simple, I have already asked my dad to send a dozen of his most loyal warriors to help us. They will disguise themselves as Fire Nation guards and be there to stop the dangerous prisoners that we can't let escape.

The more Sokka explained the plan, the more Zuko was beginning to think it just might work.

"Why not just station more guards throughout the prison?" Zuko asked. He had plenty of soldiers to spare.

"Some of the guards are in on helping the prisoners escape," Sokka said. The thought of any of the guards willingly going along with such a plan felt crazy. He vetted each and every guard for their loyalty, but if what Sokka said was true, he couldn't let his pride get in the way of their plan.

"What are you and I going to do?" Zuko asked with a lot less certainty in his voice.

"We're going to be following the escapees as they make it out," Sokka said.

"I like your style," Zuko said and smirked. "When does this all go down?"

"Tonight," Sokka responded. Zuko's eyes shot wide open. They had a lot less time than he would have liked, but they had been in tougher situations before.

"Then we had better be prepared," Zuko said and the two ran off to get everything they needed for the stakeout.


Night fell and everyone was in position. The water tribe warriors stood guarding several key cells including Azula's as well as the exits.

An Innocent Spark [Zukka]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin