Chapter 72: Far From Home

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By mid-day Sokka had navigated their boat into the harbor of a small fishing town on the eastern cost of the Earth Kingdom. Zuko tied up the boat and grabbed their bags, making sure to put his hair up in a messy bun to blend in better.

Their first objective was to find accommodation for the night, a task Zuko volunteered to do while Sokka found them some food. Zuko walked through the partially abandoned main street. It surprised him how desolate the town appeared. While there were people in the streets the town itself felt empty.

He passed by two decrepit inns before settling on one that he hoped wouldn't have a bug infestation. The woman at the front desk didn't smile when he walked in, instead she took to filing away her already non-existent nails to stubs.

"Hi, I'd like to get a room for a few nights," Zuko said. She looked at him like he was a nuisance but grabbed a tarnished brass key from a wall of keys behind her.

"Just you?" the woman asked courtly. He was beginning to think they had chosen the wrong town to dock at, but all they needed was a place to stay until they came up with a plan.

"No there will be two of us," Zuko said. She handed him the key and he handed her the payment.

Zuko walked up the creaky set of stairs and down the hall to their room. It was small and cramped, the sink in the bathroom leaked and the window had a gap. Nevertheless, it was nice to have a temporary place to call home.

He removed the bedsheets and comforter and took it downstairs to wash it. It was covered in a layer of dust, and he wanted Sokka to come back to a clean bed. Sokka came back just as he had finished covering the bed with the clean sheets.

"This town is charming," Sokka said sarcastically. He set down a few paper bags filled with food.

"We can't stay here," Zuko said abruptly. Sokka stopped grabbing food out of the bags and stared at his boyfriend in a puzzled way.

"Where else are we supposed to go?" Sokka asked.

"We have to go back," Zuko said with a hint of uncertainty and fear coming through.

"I know you're worried about what's happening back home," Sokka said and walked over to Zuko, placing his hand on the firebender's forearm. "but going back now before your uncle has had a chance to get the riots under control is dangerous."

"Our entire lives have been filled with danger Sokka," Zuko said, appealing to Sokka's logical side rather than his emotional one. Sokka would do whatever it took to protect him, but that meant keeping him away from his nation during a time of crisis.

"I don't want to see you get hurt," Sokka said softly, rubbing his thumb comfortingly over Zuko's arm as he held it.

"I know," Zuko said, "but my people are in danger too, and I can't sleep at night knowing I could have done something about it."

"It's admirable how much you care for your people," Sokka said and brushed a strand of hair out of Zuko's eye. "It's also painful for me when it always puts your life at risk."

"It's only at risk when you're not there with me," Zuko said with a smirk.

"I don't know if I want to smack that smirk off your face or kiss you to get rid of it," Sokka said and laughed.

"I'd like the latter if I get a say," Zuko said and chuckled.

"You'll get your kiss after you help me lug all this food back to the boat since you're the one making us leave right after getting here," Sokka said and dropped two bags into Zuko's arms.

Zuko supposed he deserved as much. The two grabbed their bags and carefully went down the cracked wooden stairs.

"Where are you two going?" the receptionist yelled from behind the desk as they tried to sneak by.

"An emergency came up and we have to leave at once," Sokka lied on the spot.

"You're my only tenants you can't just leave like this! I won't give you a refund!" the lady screamed and got up from her chair.

"You can keep the money!" Zuko said and quickly pushed Sokka out the door.

The door of the hotel flew open, nearly falling off its hinges as the large lady stumbled out onto the street.

"You boys get back here!" she shouted; her voice raspy from the strain.

They ignored her and took a turn down a side street towards the harbor. Zuko was glad he had decided to leave, from the looks of it they may have run into more issues that dusty covers and mold had they stayed.

UPDATE: I'm so sorry I have not posted more chapters. I have been focusing entirely on my school work and haven't had the time to write more. As summer is approaching I will be able to finish this story and hopefully craft a satisfying ending. Thank you all for reading, it means a lot to me!

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