Chapter 14

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Note : Chapter 2 to Chapter 13 was the flashback about how Arjun and Sonal got married

At present Sonal is in Arjun's house

Recalling everything I was lying on the bed......Suddenly the door opened and it was non other than the handsome hunk. Don't he have the habit the knocking before entering into someone's room. Oh sorry it's actually his room ...why would he knock🤦

I stood up from the bed with a jerk. Without looking at me he walked inside... opened the wardrobe ...took his clothes and entered the washroom. I was standing like a statue. He behaves in a weird way. He was behaving like there's no one else in the's just him.

Is he trying to avoid me??... Or he didn't notice me??... Come on Sona it's just a fake marriage ... nothing else...why the hell are you expecting from him??? I was playing the question answer round with my own mind.

He came out of the washroom wearing a T-shirt and track pant .. thank God it's not black this time. That was the first time .... I saw him wearing something comfy other than his suits and formals ...I guess there's no need to mention his favorite color black.

Walking to the dressing table he started combing his hair. I was just watching him and his cute actions. I controlled myself not to stare him and started looking here and there but I failed... I was like forced to hold my gaze on him because I was struck by his amazing aura and charm. God he really has a strong aura and extreme charm which is more than enough to attract anyone towards him.

"Did someone punish you??" He turned towards me

"Ha?" I replied in confusion

"Then why are you standing like a statue"

"No..I was..I was just"

"Ok ..let it be"

Why does he always interrupt he??? He won't allow me to complete my words.

"Open the drawer" he ordered me

I opened the drawer as he said and saw a debit card in it. I picked up the card and looked at him.

"That is for you ....You can use that card"

"But I have..."

"I know you have your own card and you are capable of managing your expenses... but as long as I am with you don't have to pay for anything "

"But you already paid for my clothes jewellery n all... there's no need for this... I can't take this"

"That's the different thing... according to the ritual ...a groom has to buy everything for the bride right"

"Ha ...but still I am not convinced for this"

"Listen I don't like dragging things ...if you want to use it you can ... and if you want to throw it in the dustbin ... you are free to do it" his voice was stern.

Picking up his laptop from the couch he continued " we both will be sharing this's not like I don't have enough rooms available in my house...but I don't want unnecessary gossiping about us ... other compartment of the wardrobe is vacant for your things....You sleep on the bed and I'll sleep on the couch"

Instructing all this he was leaving. But then he turned back " I like my room to be very clean ... everything should be at its place... don't make it a mess" and he left the room.

Don't make it a I a small kid to mess up the things in the room?? He is very mean😒.

As soon as laid on the bed ...I drifted off to a deep sleep.

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