Chapter 23

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Thank you for your immense love and support. Everything that happened in the last 3 days is just like a miracle to me...I still can't believe that you all are liking my work. A very big thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your kind and beautiful words of appreciation❤❤

I would like to dedicate this chapter to the lovely person vpsisthename20 ❤who happened to be the reason behind this.

Let's get started with the chapter 🤘

Sonal's POV:

Nowadays Arjun has been working like a robot on his new project. When Rohan and Aarav leave, Arjun still works excess spending half of the night in the study room. This time I did not make an effort to disturb him because this project is extremely important for him....that is why he is working so hard on it.

But I made sure that he'll have adequate rest by discontinuing his workout session for a few days till the project gets over. Every day I used to wake up before him and change his alarm timing and made him sleep for those 2hrs. Those 2hrs which he spends on his bodybuilding was of no use😏



"What the hell Sona...why did you change my alarm timing?? What about my workout??" With his wide eyes, Arjun woke up checking his phone

I was busy getting ready in front of the dressing table so I didn't look at him  "Relax Arjun... it's just a workout session"

Walking towards the wardrobe he spoke "You know that I am very particular about my workout"

"Ha ha pata hai...I know why you are so particular about your workout...You want to expand your fan want to impress more and more girls just like you did at the beach"

"Acha you are taking indirect revenge...You don't want others to check out my don't want your husband to look hot in front of I right??"

"Don't think too much about yourself Mr. are not that hoo" I was turning to the wardrobe direction but found Arjun standing in front of me at a one-step distance in his track pants messy hairs and towel around the neck with no shirt on his upper body.

I didn't notice when he walked and stood behind me. When I turned, his messy hairs and the towel around the neck which hardly covered his bare chest and well-built abbs made my words stop in their path.

He came close to me cutting off the one-step distance and said  "Bolo Sona I am were saying that I am not hot"

I was helpless to speak looking at him so I closed my eyes tight due to shyness and managed to utter something "Vo...You are getting late"

I felt his breath on my neck and I gasped clutching  the comb in my hand due to his closeness

"Meri Chai banado" he whispered in his husky voice

Opening my eyes I nodded but didn't dare to look at him because of the hypnotic effect of his deep eyes which never fails to captivate me.


I was in my room walking restlessly glancing at the clock hung on the wall. The clock struck 3 am. Arjun hasn't come back to the room yet. Ye ladka sachme nhi sudhrega 🤦🤦

I went to the study room. Opening the door I peeped inside and found Arjun leaning on the chair with his eyes closed. His laptop has closed which means he has finished his work I concluded. I knew what he was thinking.

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