Chapter 172: Generals

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Derium Plains, Daggerfall,

7:39pm, 14th Banem 1092.

Derium Plains was a vast savannah land east of Oerbora that bordered the Wazir river, cutting between Daggerfall and Imperium. The moon shone overhead, brightly illuminating the earth with its beautiful light.

*cough* *cough*

Loud, desperate coughs punctuated the night's tranquility. The afflicted, Rudega Farvulia, winced in pain as he weakly opened his eyes. He attempted to move his body but found he was too weak to move a single muscle. 'I can't believe I'm still alive,' the dwarf mused as he bent his neck either way and scanned his surroundings.

Rudega was stunned to find he lay on a tree branch, and he could make out Durst's heavily injured body on a branch above him. The orc's chest's erratic rise and fall revealed he was still among the living, but Rudega could not be sure how long that would remain the case.

Rudega's brain hurt as he tried to recall how he got here. 'Ah, that orc carried me after Mokern stabbed me through the back." The dwarf's complexion turned ugly as he thought of the smug, lazy bastard who nearly did him in. 'Just you wait, Mokern. I'll temper that brain of yours in my forge when I get back!'


The rustling of leaves drew Rudega's attention, and as it wasn't a windy night, the sound starkly stood out. The dwarf held his breath and tried his best not to make any noise as he peeked down to see who or what was approaching.

Rudega released a sigh of relief when he saw Ragnaf walk out of the elephant grass with a giant bush rat in his hand.

The orc's sharp instincts picked up the gaze on him, and he looked up to meet Rudega's weak brown eyes. Ragnaf dropped the carcass at the base of the tree, then climbed the tree to retrieve both Durst and Rudega. After placing them both on the ground, Ragnag tore the rat apart with his bare hands and handed a portion to Rudega. "Eat," he instructed. "We can't risk a fire."

To Ragnaf's surprise, Rudega gamely accepted the rat carcass and began to chew on it without any change to his expression. The dwarf painfully swallowed a portion of the meat and started to feel some strength return to his body. He weakly reached into a pouch strapped to his waist and was relieved to find two bottles in there.

Rudega retrieved the bottles from the pouch and looked at Ragnaf. "Here, feed one of this to Durst. It should help with his wounds."

Ragnaf accepted the bottle with a mixed expression. "You're not like most dwarfs."

"What? I'm not an egotistical bastard?" Rudega joked and scrunched his nose as he downed the contents of his bottle in one sweep.

Ragnaf, encouraged by the dwarf's action, propped Durst's head on his knee and poured the bottle's contents into his mouth. Luckily, Durst was not too far gone, and he reflexively swallowed the potion. Ragnaf heaved a sigh of relief as he saw the massive gash on Durst's shoulder begin to show signs of recovery. He looked at Rudega, who had removed his armor. "You don't look down on orcs. I can't see the contempt in your eyes."

"Kid, I don't have enough energy to look down on anyone," Rudega bitterly laughed as he inspected his injury. The potion was doing its job. The holes in his chest were beginning to close up. However, he had lost far too much blood, and as a result, he remained weak. "When you see the things I've seen, you learn there are enough assholes and heroes in all races for you to distribute your hate equally."

Ragnaf's eyes widened. "You fought in the Great War?"

"Since the day I could walk," Rudega replied and looked at Ragnaf. "Listen, kid; In this world, there's no shortage of evil things to hate if you go looking. It takes the truly strong to love despite all this."

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