Chapter 135: New Dimension

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One Week Earlier,

Kashi dragged a fatigued, completely drained body to his cove beneath the dwarven palace. He leaned against the shut doors, mentally checking off all the items on his to-do list. Construction: check. Crafting: check. Agriculture: on hold. Water source: check. Plumbing: check. Security: check.

Whoo~ Rubbing his thumbs against his temple, Kashi began to appreciate the MCs in all those RPGs he played as a kid. He used to refer to them as glorified messenger boys, but now that he had a whole city to look after, he understood their plight. If he did not personally check on every facet of the city's construction, he could not help but feel something would go horribly wrong.

Well, of course, Kashi would not go as far as to help pick up some lady's chicken eggs. After all, there was only a very slight chance that chicken egg could spell the fate of an entire city. "Pfft. City-Shaking Egg." Kashi chuckled at the absurd thought as he finally gathered enough strength to push himself off the door.

At the center of the room stood several easels of different sizes and rolled up canvases made from beast hides, which the dwarves had been ever so happy to gift the daeben.

Slightly to the side, silently sat a grand piano belonging to a certain songstress.

Kashi's eyes revealed a complicated look as his fingers brushed against the smooth surface. Today, the songstress would not be accompanying him, too busy dealing with the recovery efforts of the dwarfs and consoling the bereaved who had lost husbands, wives, and parents to the battle. 'Well,' Kashi thought to himself as he unfurled the largest canvas, 'I'll miss her calming music.'

"Hmm... I should find a way to register their auras to the door," Kashi muttered as he examined the large spread on the floor before him. He was not sure what beast skin the dwarfs used to make this five-by-four-meters canvas, but [Identify] revealed it to be a Level 115 Epic Canvas.

That information was enough for Kashi to know the canvas would meet his bold endeavor's basic requirements.

Kashi nodded with appreciation, then turned to the other canvasses. He unfurled over one hundred canvasses of different sizes—ranging from small portrait sizes just over thirty centimeters wide to two-meter long landscape canvases—and placed them on corresponding easels, which he then set in a formation around the largest canvas.

Taking a step back, Kashi admired the canvasses before him with a sharp glint of anticipation in his eyes.

Moment of truth.

This project would determine whether everything was for naught.

Rosario's Brush appeared in the Kashi's hand as he took a step, not to the largest canvass as one would expect, but a tiny, inconspicuous thirty-centimeter portrait.

"All life is birthed from a seed," muttered Kashi, as the brush dancing in his palm. Without the need to worry about ink, the brush laid its first stroke on the paper. "Alright... Let us give birth to a new world."

And so, with a few bold strokes began a week of endless paint, paint, and even more paint.

As if realizing the enormity of the daeben's ambition, the game did not bother Kashi with any prompts even as he completed one canvas after another. The daeben, when finished with a minor canvas, would switch to the main one and add in a little detail.

Without anyone to check on him, the daeben mindlessly slaved away at his task, only occasionally munching distractedly on some dry rations stored in his inventory for emergencies when his body protested.

Over time, the paintings began to take shape, the largest of which depicted a massive, lush green field with a castle-like mansion at its center.

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