Chapter Twenty-One - Paintball

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Layla's POV



"I said no."

"Wait, okay, think about this," Max stands in front of Reece and holds his arms out as if the answer is right in front of him, "Paintball."

Reece rolls his eyes and takes Macy off his shoulders, putting her on the ground, "Saying it in a different tone of voice won't change the answer."

Max pouts, "But it would be so much fun! Macy, you want to go, right?"

Macy looks up at him, "What's paintball?"

Max groans and buries his face in his hands, making me laugh.

"I want to go," Cody says, looking up at me with a smile.

I smile and whisper, "Tell that to Reece."

"Don't go blaming this on me, Sunshine," Reece muttered, digging his hands into his pockets.

"I think paintball would be fun," Anna says, smiling innocently up at Reece.

"Yes!" Max exclaims excitedly, "That's three!"

"Make it four," Bella says, grinning.

"Ha! Suck on that, Reece!" Max calls.

"Still not going. Sophie might not be able to do it with her arm," Reece says, looking down at his little sister who is beside me, holding my hand with her good arm.

Sophie frowns and looks up at Reece, "But I want to do it!"

"I want to do it too! We can just help her!" Macy says, starting to get excited.

"Don't be a party-pooper, Reece," Liam says, ruffling Reece's hair.

Reece glares at him, "Is everyone going against me?"

I smile, "I'm not. I'm staying neutral in this argument."

"Thanks, Sunshine," He gives me a small smile.

"Come on! It's still seven against two," Max says.

Reece sighs, "If I say yes, will you shut up?"

"Yes!" Max exclaims before pretending to zip his lips closed and throw away the key.

It's Sunday mid-day and the Carter's have invited Bella and I over to go out and do something. I guess that something has turned out to be paintball.

We say goodbye to Novah and Lucas before Bella and I jump into my car, everyone else getting into Reece's car. Then we all head towards the paintball place.

Twenty minutes later, both of our cars pull up to the paintball place. There is only a small parking lot out the front, and it's already full, so Reece and I have to park a little way down the street.

We all get out and make our way back to the building, walking inside. We walk up to the front desk and are greeted by a dark-haired girl who looks around my age. She's chewing gum and looking bored as we walk in. Her eyes widen slightly when her eyes fall on Reece and she grins, leaning over the counter as he stands in front of her.

"Hello, Handsome," She says, winking at him.

Reece looks uncomfortable to say the least and I have to stifle a laugh. "Uh, hi."

Her eyes move from him and she looks around at all of us, her lips curling down when she sees me standing beside Reece. It takes a lot of self-control to not roll my eyes.

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