Chapter Twenty-Four - His Realization

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Reece's POV


After being away from Layla for a little over two weeks, we've managed to establish a routine. She's started her new school in New York which is three hours ahead of ours. So, her school ends around the time we start lunch. That's when we have our first call of the day. Sometimes it's a video call and other times it's a phone call. We all pass the phone around – it's usually mine – and get a chance to talk to Layla.

The next time I speak to her is after school. By the time I arrive home, she's been home for three hours already, so that gives her enough time to do her homework or anything else she has to do before our call. This one is almost always a video call. My whole family spends time talking with her, although it's mostly Cody and the twins. That call ends when it's time for her to have dinner.

And lastly, every night before bed, Layla and I have our own call just between the two of us. I try to go to sleep earlier so that she doesn't have to stay up as late, but she doesn't seem to mind either way. We spend this time either talking or I listen to her sing or sometimes we just sit in silence. Either way, it's my favorite time of the day.

It's now Thanksgiving, meaning we've been off school since yesterday. It's the afternoon now, and my family and I have gone to my grandparents' house as we do every year. We've already eaten a huge lunch cooked by my parents and grandparents.

Macy, Sophie, and Cody are now running around in the backyard, somehow not at all affected by the copious amounts of food they've just consumed. Sophie got her cast off earlier this week. Max is outside too, sitting on the deck and playing a game on his phone. Mom and Dad are in the living room with my grandparents while Anna has gone down the hall to call Liam and see how his Thanksgiving is going. His parents came home for the first time in months and I know he's ecstatic. He doesn't get to see them very often, but when he does, it makes him ten times happier.

I've found myself on the front porch, away from everyone else, staring down at my phone as I contemplate whether or not I should call Layla. I want to. Boy, do I want to. I want nothing more than to call her and hear her calming voice. But I also don't want to disrupt her plans. It will be around six o'clock in New York at the moment so they might already be having dinner. Maybe not, but I don't want to annoy her if they are.

Before I can hesitate any longer, I press the call button and hold my phone up to my ear. I let out a breath and feel my leg start to bounce up and down as I listen to the monotonous ringing. I don't have to wait too long though, as after only two rings, the call connects.

"Reece! Happy Thanksgiving!" Her voice is light and bubbly and it only makes me miss her more.

"Happy Thanksgiving, Sunshine," I murmur, closing my eyes as I feel my leg still. I rest my elbows on my knees and bend forward slightly, feeling a small weight lift off my chest. I always feel better when I'm talking to her.

"Is everything alright?" She asks softly, her voice filled with concern. I smile despite myself. She's too good.

"I'm alright, Sunshine. Just tired, that's all," I mutter, running a hand through my hair. I pause, sighing softly when I find myself wishing it were her hand brushing through my hair. What is she doing to me?

"Reece," Her voice is still soft, but it's also strong. She doesn't believe me for a second.

"Sunshine, I'm fine. It's just-" I stop myself, not wanting to repeat the same three words to her again. I've said it too many times now, she must be getting sick of it.

His Sunshine | ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat