Chapter Thirteen - Dates & Homecoming Dresses

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Layla's POV


"So, then I flat out told her that the pasta tastes like ass, and she threatened to beat me with her wooden spoon if I didn't eat it all!" Liam exclaims, using wild hand gestures to emphasize his point.

"What conversation did I just walk into?" Anna asks as she walks up to us, her eyebrows furrowed as she joins Liam, Reece, and I as we walk out of the school. We've just finished up with school on Monday and are about to head out to grab something to eat at a diner which is not far from school.

"I was just telling them about the dream I had about my dead grandma that I met like once," Liam tells her, "The one I was telling you about this morning."

Anna's eyes widen in realization, "The one where she was doing the chicken dance the whole time?"

Liam nods enthusiastically, a grin on his face, "Yes! And she was wearing a huge bright pink ball gown with cats all over it."

I furrow my eyebrows and adjust my bag on my shoulder, "You really do have some weird dreams."

"Right!? I wonder what it means," Liam mumbles to himself.

"Probably means you're losing your mind," Reece mutters, shaking his head. But I can see the little tilt in his lips that forms the beginning of a smile.

"I think that may have happened a long time ago," I reply.

His lips quirk up a little more, "Well, he didn't have it when I met him, so maybe he just wasn't born with one."

I nod, looking over at Liam who is now telling the dream to Amanda and Mark who have joined our small group. "I think you may be right."

Before the conversation can continue, my familiar ringtone starts blaring from my back pocket. I dig the device out of my pocket and frown at the Unknown number. I swipe the screen to answer and hold the phone up to my ear, "Hello?"

"Hey, this is Layla, right?" A somewhat familiar voice speaks through the phone.

I furrow my brows, aware of most of the group watching me now to see who is calling. "Uh, yes. Who's this?"

"It's Jace... from the gym?" My eyes widen in recognition and I smile.

"Oh, hi! Wait- how did you get my number?" I furrow my brows again, suddenly curious.

"Bella gave it to me," he replies easily, laughing quietly.

I roll my eyes, "Of course she did. What's up?"

"Uh, I was just-" He clears his throat, "I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie with me sometime?"

"Really? Oh, that would be great, yeah," I nod even though he can't see me and stick my free hand in my back pocket. I only had one conversation with the guy the other night, but he seemed nice. He was cute too, so I don't mind going on a date with him.

"Great. I'm busy for the next little while but maybe Friday next week? I'll pick you up at six?" I can almost hear the smile in his voice as he replies.

"Perfect. I'll text you my address."

"Okay, bye."

"Bye," I end the call and put my phone back into my back pocket.

"Who was that?" Amanda asks curiously, her eyes slightly wide as she awaits my answer. Everyone else is waiting for my answer as well.

I laugh a little at her eagerness. "That was Jace, I met him when I went to the gym with Reece the other night."

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