Chapter Twenty-Nine - The Best Surprise

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Layla's POV


It's now Saturday midday, more than a week after Reece got his tattoo. The days seem to be passing by slower and slower. It's now the 19th of December. It was my everyone's last day of school yesterday. But, of course, I have to go back to school again on Monday still because apparently my school hates me. It started snowing for the first time yesterday. It's only a light snow, but it's there. It looks so beautiful from the balcony in our apartment.

But it also means that it's absolutely freezing. Currently, I'm snuggled up on my couch with Bella, watching Divergent and drinking hot chocolate. I'm passing time, waiting for Reece to call when he wakes up.

About halfway through the movie, my phone buzzes and I smile, ready to accept the call. But I frown when I see it's a text message from him instead.

Reecey: I won't be able to call this morning, I'm doing an extra training session with Gunner for a couple hours. Sorry Sunshine.

I sigh sadly, pouting. I've been looking forward to his call. He's been doing that a little more over the past week. He's had quite a few training sessions with Gunner on nights that he wouldn't usually. Maybe he's stressed.

I also noticed something different about the way he ends our calls. Usually, he just catches the kiss I blow to him, but about a week ago, he started bringing the kiss to his chest, over his heart. He's just too cute.

Me: That's okay but please don't overwork yourself. I miss you.

Almost immediately, he replies.

Reece: I miss you too Sunshine.

My heart warms. He's adorable.

I turn my phone off and start paying attention to the movie again. But I quickly get antsy, just wanting to get up and do something.

"You hungry?" I ask Bella, standing up and heading over to the kitchen. My mom is out grocery shopping at the moment, so we don't have a whole lot left in the pantry.

"Yeah, what have we got?" She asks, not looking away from the TV.

I open the cupboard and look around, trying to find something quick and easy. I spot a box and take it out, looking back at her, "Pop Tarts?"

"Yes please!" She nods, grinning as she looks back at me briefly before focusing her attention back on the movie.

I put a couple Pop Tarts in the toaster before grabbing my phone and leaning against the bench as I turn it on. I'm immediately greeted by the time, telling me it's 12:34pm. Reece's smiling face is also what greets me. I'm also in the photo, but that's never what I focus on.

I had practically forced Reece to take the photo with me, and even then, he wouldn't look at the camera. He's smiling, but he's smiling at me and I think I like that much more anyway.

I'm jolted out of my thoughts by the toaster popping and I grab the Pop Tarts, putting them on two plates and bringing them back into the living room. I plop down next to Bella, handing her a plate.

She thanks me quietly before turning her attention back to the movie. I do as well, hoping that time will fly by just a little faster so that I can talk to Reece sooner.


It's now six o'clock. I still haven't heard from Reece. I think this is now the longest I have ever gone without talking to him since I moved away, except for when I go to sleep. The last time I spoke to him was last night. I miss him already.

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