Chapter Five - Ice Cream

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Reece's POV


Punch. Punch. Punch.

My wrapped fists pound into the boxing bag before me over and over again, the repetitive sound so familiar to my ears.

Punch. Punch. Punch.

Muscles tight and tired, I push through the burning I feel in my lungs.

Punch. Punch. Punch.

No thoughts cloud my mind for once as I tear into the bag in front of me.

Punch. Punch. Punch.

Boxing is my escape.

"Reecey!" I pause at the sound of my name being called amid a flurry high-pitched giggles. My eyes land on the blonde-haired princess running towards me and I smile, crouching down with my arms open for her. The little girl flings herself into my chest, little arms curling around my neck as I stand back up to my full height.

"How are you, Princess Ariella?" I murmur, gently rubbing her back as she holds on to me.

She pulls her face back from my neck and I'm met with a gap-toothed grin. "Good! Daddy said I shouldn't run up to you while you're punching stuff, but I knew you'd catch me."

I laugh, looking over her shoulder and seeing her father and my coach, Gunner standing in the doorway of his office with his younger son, Arlo, in his arms. Starting to walk over to them, I set Ariella on my hip. "I'll always catch you, Princess."

"That's what I told him!" She agrees, kicking her legs around as I carry her, patting my shoulders to some imaginary music.

"He should be training though, Sweetheart." Gunner shakes his head, setting two-year-old Arlo down on the ground in front of him. The little boy stumbles over to me adorably, wrapping his little arms around my leg. With a smile, I scoop him up and set him down on my other hip.

"Actually," I glance at the watch on my wrist, maneuvering my head around Arlo so that I can see the time. 9:36. The party will be in full swing by now. "I better be going."

Gunner crosses his arms over his chest, leaning against the doorframe. "You're leaving early." It's more of a question that a statement, his Australian accent as thick as the day I met him four years ago.

I shrug, placing a kiss on both the kids' foreheads before carefully setting them both on their feet. They happily trot away together, leaving me to unwrap my hands. "I know, but I have to go."

"Oh really?" He drags out the words, giving me a look that tells me to elaborate.

I roll my eyes, shoving my things into my bag and zipping it up, not bothering to put on my shirt as I'm too sweaty still. "Anna's at a party tonight. I'm worried about her."

His face morphs into one of realization, his muscles tensing as he gives me a nod. "Alright then. But don't make slacking a regular thing or I'll kick your áss. Got it, Carter?"

I sling my bag over my shoulder and only smile as I start walking towards the entrance of the gym. "Say hi to Paige for me!" I call out as I open the door, referring to his wife. I catch him shaking his head at me just before I turn and shut the door behind me.

The cold evening air is a welcome shock to my system as it meets my hot skin, immediately cooling me down. I don't waste any time while walking over to my car, throwing my bag into the passenger seat as soon as I get to it before getting in and leaving the parking lot.

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