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(Y/n) was currently waiting for her boyfriend outside the gates of PK academy. Aren had been waiting to introduce his friends to her for a while. He whined that no one believed him when he said his girlfriend went to a different school. Y/n felt bad so here she was, all dressed to impress his friends. She was actually quite nervous, not wanting his friends to disapprove of her. A good impression lasts a lifetime.

She did arrive a bit early, so her mind started to wonder. (Y/n) thinks of her first impression of Aren. "Scary tough guy" is what she used to think.

(Y/n) was wandering around, possibly looking for a vacant spot to take pictures as all teenagers do. She looked around to see couples taking photos and sighed.

"I didn't notice how lonely I was until now." The girl thought as she took a seat on a surprisingly empty bench.

She looked down at her phone, seeing the time, and turned it off.

"Maybe I should just head home"

(Y/n) sulked and dropped her head. Staying still until she heard a commotion nearby. She immediately diverted her attention to the noise. Maybe a kid was lost and crying. She walked closer through the trees. It would've been hard to miss at first but somebody was definitely getting beat up.

Before she had the time to call for help the purple-haired man had trapped her against a trunk. His veins were prominent on his face and she could almost make out his muscles through his shirt.

"You're thinking about that now?"

"Hey," oh god, and a gravelly voice? (Y/n) could be getting robbed and her heart would've missed a beat the same way "keep this between us... or else" his right eye twitched.

She couldn't hear the rest of his words but that was enough to make her run for her life. Was that the misattribution of arousal just now? He beat up a guy and she's blushing!? (Y/n) decided to follow him around since then, you know, just in case he was to beat someone else up.

"Honey! Over here!"

(Y/n) snapped out of her daydream and ran over to her lover. They embraced each other and looked over his shoulder to see six faces in shock.

"That's a lot of friends you got there!" (Y/n) chirped. She separated from Aren and as if as it was planned, all his friends talked at the same time.

"I can't believe it! Did Kuboyasu pay you to lie? Are you part of the Dark Reunion?"

'You're accusing my boyfriend of hiring a fake girlfriend? What's the Dark Reunion?'

"Hi, I'm Kokomi Teruhashi! I'm always happy to meet new friends!"

'Is she glowing the color of pee? Whatever, she seems quite cheerful and nice.'

"So you're my friend's gal, huh? Do you know any Ramen places around? I'm Nendo and this is my buddy, Saiki! He doesn't talk much-"

'Introduce yourself, not your pink friend too!'

"You can call me Chiyo! I've been meaning to ask, how did the two of you meet?"

'Should I really tell her the truth...'

"Actually can I take over that answer? I even remember every detail!" Aren claimed. (Y/n) hummed in response.

He put his hand behind his head, "It's actually a funny story! I was beating someone up- er- in an argument with someone after they made a nasty comment about a pretty girl,"

"Great job on a cover story."

"So I taught him a lesson and as it turns out the pretty girl was watching!" Aren's demeanor suddenly changed to be bashful, "A-and I guess she was really impressed. At the time I saw this anime where you put your hand against the wall to trap someone so I tried it-"

"Kabe-don? That's so assertive and manly!" Chiyo fangirled, "If only a certain someone did that to me..." she looked over at the blue-haired boy of the group, only to see him focused on his bandages.

'I wish you the best of luck on that pursuit. You'll need it.' (Y/n) thought.

Aren goes on, "so she followed me around the neighborhood after that."

"Like a stalker?" Saiki quipped.

"I didn't know you had a stalker! Did the dark reunion hire them?"

'Is this what they think of me now?'

"I heard most stalker cases end in death."

'He's still alive??'

(Y/n) really couldn't believe these were the people Aren decide to befriend. At least they're looking out for him. Besides that, that is a completely different story than what (Y/n) was thinking about. How did he think trapping her against a tree was romantic? That was just a plain threat! Granted the threat was coming from someone really handsome but-

"I'm not a stalker! I just wanted to make sure he didn't get into anymore... arguments with anyone!"

"Did you want him to only argue with you?"

"What? No! That doesn't make sense."

"That's so cute! I didn't think you'd have a clingy girlfriend, Kuboyasu!" Chiyo squealed. "What do you think, Teruhashi? Would you want a clingy boyfriend?"

"You know I can't date! I have to focus on my studies. But... I think I'd rather have a boyfriend who's distant and quiet, someone who just stands there-" Teruhashi said.

"Eh? Why get a boyfriend who doesn't talk?" Chiyo questioned

"So, Teruhashi likes men who are stone-cold..."

"She might just really like rocks!" Nendo chimed in.

(Y/n) laughed. She felt oddly comfortable in their presence now. Maybe she can see why her boyfriend hangs around them.

"(Y/n's) my favorite rock!" Aren beamed. He joyfully held her hand.

"What? I'd thought I'd be your first favorite!"

"Nendo's not even my 43rd favorite rock," Kaido added.

"Why does your rock list go so far?" Saiki asked.

(Y/n) laughed again. It was at that moment (Y/n) knew she was absolutely smitten for aren kuboyasu and his friends.

𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙎𝙖𝙞𝙠𝙞.𝙠 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt