sɪᴄᴋ→sᴀɪᴋɪ ᴋᴜѕᴜᴏ

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You were laying down in bed with the worst fever imaginable. You were suffering from a bad sickness, common, but you hate getting sick. Well, usually. This time was different though because you were dating Saiki Kusuo! Yeah, he could probably help you feel better but you didn't want his help with that. You actually wanted him to nurse you back to help and this was perfect! You could finally be able to get him to be more affectionate! Since Saiki is a psychic he won't be affectionate much besides the few dates and he hadn't even kissed you yet! Oh, how cruel! You were still laying there in bed plotting out what to do about all this. You hadn't been dating Saiki for that long, probably only half a year, and you were childhood friends with him. You sighed before coughing up a storm, covering your mouth with your hand you used your other hand to reach around for your phone. Your mother and father were currently out on a business trip together so you didn't have any help today, which means you'll be able to get Saiki to do anything you asked! Once you had gotten your phone out you suddenly got a call, coincidence? Probably not, hoping that it was your psychic boyfriend who was calling, you checked the caller ID to only be disappointed that it was Toritsuka calling. "[Y/N]! Saiki won't listen to me!! When are you going to get here so you can help me out!" He whined out, you gave out a few coughs since you wanted to laugh. "I'm sorry, try to convince him to listen. I won't be making it in today since I'm sick." You replied before you heard some shouting over the line. "Saiki where are you going?!" You heard Toritsuka shouting before you saw something pink move in the corner of your eye. You looked over at the door and squealed out noticing Saiki was suddenly at the door of your room. You instantly hung up on Toritsuka before sighing since he had given you such a fright. "You scared me!" You said hoarsely, you were getting worse by the minute! You shook your head to Saiki, "don't use any powers on me, I want to deal with this now rather than later" you told him. Saiki walked over to you, "[Y/N], you look terrible." He stated without any emotion. You wished he'd actually use his voice but nope he always used telepathy, you rolled your eyes at his comment. You reached out for a small teddy bear before using all your leftover might to hit him with it. "Wow thank a lot!" You said as you threw it at him. He, of course, avoided the collision and held it in his arms instead. "I'll respect your wishes, I'll be going then." He said about to teleport away before you yelled: "Wait!!" To him before you started to have a coughing fit. He had instantly brought you some water, he helped you sit up to drink some of it. After you were done drinking it you laid back down on to the bed looking at him with a cheeky smile. "Thank you, Kuu-chan~" you tried being cute but failed as you had started to cough once more. "Maybe medicine will help.," you muttered before showing him your best puppy eyes look hoping he'd get the hint to nurse you or at least to read your mind to understand what you wanted. "Fine, I'll help you out before I head back to the school. I'll be back after it's over as well." He told you and excitement filled your veins.


You were eagerly awaiting Saiki to arrive before hearing the doorbell ring. You were about to get up despite your terrible headache before you heard the door swing open. Saiki must've opened the door, you thought to yourself. Why didn't he just teleport in here? You wondered. Then you heard a lot of commotion before Saiki entered with a whole lot of other people you really didn't want to see. You wanted to just have some alone time with Saiki but this time it was ruined by Toritsuka, Kaidou, and Nendo. What happened for Saiki to bring them all here?

Saiki POV

I had teleported back to the restroom that I had been in prior to me visiting [Y/N]. I stepped out and tried to enter the classroom once more before being interrupted by Toritsuka who had seemed to be waiting for me, still, ever since he had tried making me help him with his girl troubles. "What happened? [Y/N] suddenly hung up and you had already vanished!" Toritsuka exclaimed. He was too noisy, even Kaidou and Nendo's attention was caught. "Hey, Pal! What's going on here? Are we waiting for [Y/N] I haven't seen her around yet!" He exclaimed before Kaidou also started to ramble. "It must have been the dark reunion! Maybe they've kidnapped her?! Usually, she would be here by now what if it's too late? Saiki, do you know of anything? She is your girlfriend after all!" He was louder than usual, this was just his way of speaking out how worried he is for her despite trying to be 'cool' about it. "I just called [Y/N] and she seemed to be sick! Saiki do you know if she's alright?" Toritsuka asked, he seemed a bit more mature about the situation but despite him knowing that me and [Y/N] are dating he was thinking about how he can become a hero over helping out. They started to bombard me with questions over it that I gave in and told them about it. That's when Nendo suggested the worst "let's take Ramen to her after school" he had the worst timing, then everyone else had agreed. Why do I always get stuck with them?

Your POV

You sighed knowing full well that they had invited themselves and it wasn't Saiki's fault. You tried to greet them but your voice wasn't very loud. They all seemed worried about you and had even brought some regular chicken noodle soup, probably because of Saiki since these 3 would probably have thought about bringing something else with them. You had also received some medicine from them and had the towel and water replaced by them since Saiki had left a towel on your forehead with a basin full of water next to you so that you can help yourself throughout the day before he arrived. Even though it wasn't much alone time with Saiki you still enjoyed the fact that you had people to care for you.

After a while they all decided to leave, you hadn't eaten the soup yet and it was getting late for them so they left after saying their goodbyes. Saiki stayed since he was determined to make sure you'd get better, but you didn't know he was actually worried for you. You were slightly sitting up since you had a few pillows lifting up your back on your bed. You were hungry, which was notable by the grumbling coming from your stomach. You were blushing, which wasn't as noticeable compared to the already red face from the fever. He had handed you one of those tables that you could use on the beds when people wanted breakfast in bed or when they were sick. He placed the now uncovered cooled down soup in front of you and tried to hand you a spoon. You shook your head, "I'm feeling too weak to feed myself." You said before he gave a small glare. "[Y/N], you need to eat in order to drink medicine." He declared before you shook your head. He shook his head lightly before using his psychic abilities to make the spoon float and tried to feed you that way. You shook your head at this, having a set plan in mind. You knew that Saiki would read your mind regarding this small issue, but he was being a bit stubborn about not accomplishing it.

After a few minutes of trying to feed you, Saiki finally gave in. "Close your eyes and open your mouth then," He told you, before situating himself closer to you from the chair that he had been sitting on. The chair was from your desk that he had dragged over in order to sit next to you. You nodded in obedience before doing as he asked, after a few seconds you were about to protest over what was taking so long before you felt something soft touch your lips and a slightly warm liquid to enter your mouth, you opened your eyes to see that he had indeed followed your request. To at least once feed you by mouth, but now that you think about it more it's a bit gross but you honestly just wanted a somewhat kiss from him. You swallowed the soup as he pulled away before using the spoon once more to try and feed you. This time you agreed, your face redder than before as you ate happily. Once you were done with the soup and medicine he put everything away and sat on your bed. You were laying down on your side before moving some more to give him some room to also lay with you. He then laid down facing you on his side before you attacked him in a bear hug in order to snuggle him. He was a bit startled despite knowing you'd do this since he wasn't very used to how touchy you were. But he gave in and started to pet your hair while his other arm rested around your waist. You snuggled into his chest and sighed out. Your fever was slightly going down and your couch had been better since earlier. "If you wanted a kiss then you could've told me or thought about it more." He said you lifted your head up to look at him before you could say anything he touched his lips to yours in a soft, sweet loving kiss. You melted right into it before he pulled away. "Try to get some rest." He told you, and you nodded before closing your eyes to sleep.


You were feeling much better the next morning and were in high spirits since the night before. You had awoken to see that Saiki was gone, which was a bit disappointing to you but you noticed a note on your desk as you were getting ready to head to school. The note read 'You owe me some coffee jelly now' and you facepalmed over it. "Well at least it was worth sacrificing some money to get that kiss," you said with a smile. He was going to get as much coffee jelly as he wanted now.

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