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You and Saiki were a thing for a long time now. Even long before pk academy.  you were funny, and you were just a downright good person. teachers liked you, and Saiki... he was madly in love with you. Though after a few years, he changed. He didn't have time for you anymore, and that hurt you deeply. But you never said anything you thought he was always busy and you didn't want to trouble him. kusuo was always worried about something, when you wanted to help him, he was pushing you away. He was pushing everyone away. But then a new girl, a bit younger than you came to pk academy. She was gorgeous. and she was psychic, they were always talking in each other's minds, joking with one another, hanging out with each other. You felt... replaced. This girl was not a bad person. But... no one really liked the way she changed saiki. He was still kind and caring, but he wasn't himself anymore. And she took your place in everything. In helping Saiki, sitting next to him lunch.

One time, during lunch, you tried to improve your relationship with saiki. But you only made it worse. the girl and saiki were sitting next to each other, smiling, laughing occasionally. Everyone around felt awkward because they had no idea what she and Saiki were talking about. mera seemed pretty angry about it. You cleared your throat, looking at Saiki and you smiled softly.

"saiki, how was your day, ?" no answer. the girl giggled, blushing slightly. kaido gulped silently, looking away from you. You tried not to look hurt but you just can't hide it. s-saiki? - you asked again hoping to get his attention, but then he laughed along with completely ignoring you.  can I...

" Don't you see we're talking? It's rude to disturb others while they're talking". the girl snapped sharply, cutting you off. You flinched, taken back, and deeply hurt because Saiki didn't even look at you, not even a small glance. " Now, where were we, ?" saiki said. You bit your lip and made a quick, quiet excuse about not feeling well as you run to the bathroom. Why were you losing him? Did you do something wrong? You had no idea.

As saiki's relationship with the girl was growing, you were utterly dreadful. Not smiling anymore, silent and sad, you weren't going to the gym with hairo or anyone else, you stopped eating or sleeping. Your heart was in pieces, and everyone saw that. But not saiki.

" Hey, (Y/N), we're going to go out tonight, you want to tag along?" nendo asked

I don't think I feel like going out next time. but I'm sure you'll have fun. You smiled weakly, sadly. As he slowly nodded.

Alright, A few days later yumehara came knocking on your door.

" Hey (N/N)! How about a sleepover, huh? We haven't had one for ages!"

Sorry, yumehara. but I think I'm going to pass it. I don't feel good. But ask teruhashi

she slowly nodded and left you alone. You knew they were trying to cheer you up, but. you really just wanted saiki to love you again holding you like he used to do. After a few days of not eating, you were very Hungry. so you sneaked out of your bedroom and went outside to the grocery store, only to hear some shouting. It was hairo and saiki.

"Why are you treating (Y/N) like that?"

" Like what? saiki asked like he didn't know anything",.

" Like he's invisible! Have you seen him lately?" he looks like a shadow of himself. he barely eats, he doesn't sleep, he doesn't smile. he's a sad, weak version of himself, and it's only because a telepath chick came around.

" she is a great person. Thanks to her I feel alive again" she understands me like no one else. I never felt that before, hiaro"

"Are you saying you love her?"

"I think so."

Your heart broke into a million pieces. this was too much for you definitely too much. With tears brimming in your eyes, you ran to your house quickly. You cuddled up to a pillow, sobbing loudly and shaking violently. So that was it. He loved her, that was why he forgot about you. You couldn't understand him as she could, she was making him laugh and smile again, he wasn't worried when she was around" you weren't good enough. He doesn't love me anymore. That night you made a decision. You'll leave town.

You packed your things, called your best friend named Clara and asked her if you can live in her place until you find something for yourself she would come to your school and pick you up

.You were ready to leave, She waited for you in the car. When she saw you, she hugged you tightly.

"That guy is a complete idiot!". Your friend said angrily. Should I kick his ass? you shook your head.

"No... no, it's my fault Clara" 

"Oh, don't you dare speak or think like that! He's a jerk if he treated you like that! How could he not see how much you loved him?!"

"Because he loves someone who can actually understand him and he's finally happy". You mumble. "Can we leave now, please clara?"

(Y/N)! A distant voice shrieked it was yumehara's voice that stopped you. "You're leaving?! Why?!" you were gaining too much attention, students suddenly started asking why you were leaving. You didn't want to say the truth because it was breaking you, you didn't want them to hate saiki. But then you saw him.

"he leaves because I hurt him" he sighed and I'm deeply sorry for that (Y/N). I never meant-

" I'm sorry too, Saiki. But... "sorry" won't fix it". You said mournfully as you entered the car. Your friend is giving you a guilty smile as the school starts getting farther and farther away from you. To this day.  saiki would always and forever regret hurting you.

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