ᴡᴀʀᴍᴛʜ →ꜱᴀɪᴋɪ ᴋᴜꜱᴜᴏ

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You woke up to warmth.

Blissful warmth.

You could feel Saiki's breath on the nape of your neck as you watched him longingly, his chest stirring in an up-and-down motion that calmed you and lulled you to a daze. It comforted you, knowing he was alive and well, The tousled legs were under the warm cotton blanket, which smelled of him. 

It felt soft, warm, and ethereal. As if you were standing in the tall golden gates of heaven. There was no pain or suffering. Just You and Saik in an embrace so deep the depths of hell would burn out and leave ashes in its descent.

The purity of the white pillow was ruined by short pink stands of hair reaching out to feel his lover's hands. To hold and never let go. You brushed a messy strand out of his face, his eyebrows scrunched at the movement. The cold boy in the morning was reduced to heavenous warmth in the night holding tightly to his happiness. his life in other words-


A smile was felt on your lips and a lock was held at your heart, the key to your heart belonged to Saiki. It was he who was there for you. Thin lime green glasses were placed on the bedside table giving you the full view of his face. Thin sculpt, Thin lips but exquisite. Aphrodite would fall, and the Sharp poisoned fangs of Hera's serpents would be pruned. 

Saiki reminded you of Hestia, the god of the hearth, As he, to you, was the symbol of beauty and warmth radiating from the burning fire of the hearth, the place your body faced tranquility and your soul was cleansed burned- reborn into a being that deserved him. But still yearned for his sweet touches, his light kisses, the springiness of the coffee jelly hitting your mouth erupting colorful flavors on your tongue. the small hardly noticeable smile he directs toward you, the tired typically lifeless eyes lighting up just to make you happy.  

Cupid had struck you in the chest and left a pointed arrow in his departing never to be returned or seen again.

(The pure love showed by the nonchalant expression in his deep magenta eyes hidden from everyone, a dark pink ocean luring you in like the many sailors who died at sea and faced the wrath of  Varuna.)

Saiki's eyes stirred open an irritated expression instantly attacking his once-calm features "Quit staring Y/n I'm sleeping" A knowing smile had spread to your lips. "I can't love, you're gorgeous" pink sharp eyes stared directly at you and for a second those sharp eyes softened he let a sigh out of his soft lips and closed his eyes once more.

"hold me Y/n."  

"bold of you to assume I'll ever let go."

The world stopped once more. In this place, it was Y/n and Saiki, and Saiki and Y/n 2 lovers maimed by cupids arrow cursing them together, their hearts were set and rings were to be placed, but I have nothing else to say, I am but a humble writer nothing more, and nothing less.


Guess who's back?

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