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It's Dark not as Scary as it could be but Still scary nonetheless, He's there beside you, Pink hair shining brightly, you can tell he's putting on an image but you're not sure of what, Was he scared? obviously, not of the movie, Saiki didn't Get Scared. But he looked it, Was this about the other day?

It was a simple invitation, You did Homework with Saiki on Tuesdays and Thursdays simply because those were the days you were free, you've been doing this almost since elementary, Saiki was average with his grades but still very smart, you were average with your grades keeping them afloat but still needing basic help, not enough to ask Kaidou but enough to Ask Saiki is all.

Since you and Kusuo were what he could consider friends his Mother obviously knew you, She thought you were a very nice person. And every Halloween she would say "Would you like to stay over for a bit longer?" and every year your answer was a polite "no thank you, ma'am"

Eventually, Feelings blossomed, Saiki Felt something, You felt something and although Saiki was aware of your feeling, he knew you weren't aware of his But anyway this year you decided to stay for a bit, accepting his mothers recurring invitation.

His parents were going out, doing something spooky for the Scary Holiday leaving you and Kusuo to your own Shenanigan's.

You decided to just watch a movie, One Saiki had yet to be spoiled with seeing as it came out only a week ago and no kid at his school had watched it, either that or he hadn't encountered a kid who had watched it, Strange to say the least but he wasn't gonna complain about it.

The movie wasn't as scary as the past ones that you had watched had been. So you weren't scared of what was to come.

Your crush on Saiki wasn't big, so not many could decipher it or see it, either that or you're really good at secret-keeping. one of the two. The point is your heart didn't get palpitations at the sight of him but that didn't mean your heart didn't start going at least a bit faster, Saiki wasn't left out of this treatment either.

Anyways Saiki had decided to Prepare for this day, He knew his mother was going to ask the question, Your answer was always no so he never really pried through your mind to see what your answer would be, he wasn't as surprised this year though, But he was just a little dejected, Though he could spend his Halloweens like he always did, Eating coffee jelly and reading books he wasn't spoiled too. But instead, he was to watch a movie. but like I said he had decided to prepare in advance

He had worn his ring, Kaidou last year had proved that maybe it was possible for Saiki to Cry in pain, But he had put on his ring before that theory could be proven, He decided never again shall he watch a movie with people without the comfort of his ring, Especially not with the Actor who played the main character and who had a tendency to spoil and the boy who couldn't tell the difference between fantasy and reality and was scared of Almost anything.

but back to the present, You guys are watching the movie by the way, Halfway maybe? I'm not sure I'm only a narrator I couldn't be bothered to tell the specifics, Its more focused on you and Kusuo so.. anyway

The movie wasn't scary in the beginning, Although the backstory of the character in it was much more unsettling then you thought it would be, you were introduced to the main characters into which Saiki made a Remark that made you giggle, Eventually though Saiki really was starting to regret watching a movie with you.

It's not like you were annoying but you were his crush and nobody likes being with their crush when they're in a position like this.

Let me set the Scene, You and Saiki are close. I mean physically by the way, Now your not close enough for him to fidget in Discomfort or for you to feel his heartbeat but close enough to smell the faint coffee smell that always seemed to linger on him and close enough for him to feel you, Legs almost touching, arms doing the job for them instead you guys looked like a couple but felt like a pair of lovesick teenagers

Which is what you were but nobody was going to admit it. Especially not you and for the Safety of myself, not me either

A jumpscare had happened like they inevitably do in these movies and you had moved spontaneously causing Saiki to Grunt at the sudden movement and for your scared whine to turn into a giggle

"You scared yet, Kusuo?" You've referred to the boy on a first name basis ever since you started high school , he never said anything about it, calling you by your first name as well

"Obviously not why would you think that" You hummed, not answering fully but enough for him to get you heard what you said, just had nothing to say.

But his heart was beating and so was yours, and it was very fast, The type of beating you feel when the guy you like inches away from your lips, meeting your eyes, not aware of the deep red blush blossoming over your face like Roses in Spring, Except Saiki, isn't Unaware and he's not close to you which just proves how you guys simply cant be this close to one another without feeling the way you do.

The Protagonist of the movie's love interest is oblivious and Saiki's remarks about her are less than nice but you can't say you disagreed, you hated the Protagonists Stupidity and Saiki couldn't have said it better himself.

But you both guessed that maybe it was because you weren't oblivious to the crush harboring in Saiki even though he thought you were, And Saiki wasn't Stupid, Far from it really.

And maybe it was the way your faces got closer as the movie got darker or maybe its the way the girls scream had caused you both to jump apart but this Halloween had been much more surprising then you thought, And while you left with blush and Saiki went to bed with a smile, both Glad for the break between school so you didn't have to encounter each other if you didn't want to, you hoped maybe you had a bit more progress with the pink-haired boy.

And so did he. But again I'm just a narrator so I can't say a lot.

𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙎𝙖𝙞𝙠𝙞.𝙠 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now