ʟᴏᴠᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ → ꜰᴇᴍ! ꜱᴀɪᴋɪ ᴋᴜꜱᴜᴏ

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Fem!Saiki Kusuo X Male!Reader

(I know that Saiki can change his gender at will but meh...) Saiki Kusuo = Saiki Kusuko

Words in italics will be thoughts...
Words in bold will be Saiki & You/The Reader using Telepathy (Saiki ALWAYS uses telepathy instead of talking normally.. no clue why)

It happens to everyone at some point, a random person enters your life and completely changes it. You see this person and you're instantly caught by their mysterious aura, you are desperate to know everything about them. It's like a challenge of sorts, you want to know their likes and dislikes. This person takes over your life, you catch yourself thinking about them more than you'd like to admit. If you aren't careful, that intrigue could manifest itself as love. This is the case for Kusuko Saiki, an extremely powerful psychic. She can fly and read minds, and do just about anything else you can think of. But when a transfer student transferred into her class, her life changed.. For better or worse? Only time will tell...

Kusuko Saiki POV

I had been hearing thoughts about a new transfer student, 'transfer student? I hope they're not a weirdo...' I sigh as I look around at my class. As class starts, we hear a knock at the door. "Come in!" our homeroom teacher yells. The door slides open and it's a male student, 'a decent looking one at that.' Wait, did I really think that just now?... "Hello, my name is (Y/N) (L/N). I hope we all get along!" he smiles. "You can sit beside Kusuko, Kusuko raise your hand please," the homeroom teacher says and I raise my hand while sighing. 'How did I not notice the empty seat beside me?' I sigh. 'We haven't even met yet... I hope she doesn't hate me already,' is a thought I hear as the student takes his seat.

I know that thought came from someone near me, the most logical would be the new student. But that would mean that he heard my thoughts, is he a psychic? I guess I'll soon find out. "Hello," he quietly whispers to me. 'Hello,' I plainly respond. I then hear a thought come from him, 'Is it just me, or did she just talk without using her mouth? Telepathy?' I hear him think. I look over and he's getting out a book for class...


I feel someone staring at me, I look to my left and Kusuko is staring at me. I'm staring back at her, there's this awkward silence between us. "Hello Kusuko," I smile and she turns her head away. I sigh and look down at my book, I then feel someone looking at me... I turn and she's staring at me again, 'You're such a mystery to me (Y/N),' I hear her thoughts. I smile, 'I find you interesting as well,' I think to myself and I see her face contort into one of confusion. 'Can...Can he hear me?' she thinks to herself and I smirk. 'You can hear me as well?' I ask as she slightly nods. 'Want to talk over lunch?' I ask her telepathically. 'Yes, I would like to know more about you...' she says and I nod.

We sit opposite each other at lunch, just talking to each other. 'So... you're a psychic?' I hear her ask. I nod, 'I have been ever since I've been born,' I comment as she hums. 'Same here,' she replies and I smile at her. 'It's nice to meet another psychic,' I say in relief. 'Yes, I have met some psychics, but none that can directly communicate telepathically with me,' she comments. "Yo! Partner!" I hear from beside me. It's this behemoth, 'Hello Nendou' Kusuko sighs. "You two looked weird," comes from another voice. It's this blue-haired kid, 'Hello Kaidou,' Kusuko sighs even heavier. "Why is that?" I ask. "You two weren't talking, you were just staring at each other. It was weird," Kaidou laughs as they take seats beside us. I pale but they quickly change the topic of conversation, I'm glad that they didn't ask why we were staring at each other.

Our talk goes on like this until the lunch bell rings, we continue our talk during class as well. By the end of the day, I think I can call her my first friend here. Kusuko and I are walking home, 'Do Kaidou and Nendou know about your being a psychic?' I ask and she shakes her head. 'I just changed it so that they think that hearing my voice inside their heads is normal,' she says and I nod. 'This is my stop,' she comments. "Bye Kusuko!" I smile and I swear that I saw a light shade of pink on her cheeks. 'Quickly, leave!' she shouts. "What is it?" I ask worriedly. The door to her house slams open, "Kusu-emon!" a man who I'm guessing is her father yells. "I need you to!" he shouts but then stops when he sees me. He awkwardly laughs, Kusuko sighs deeply. 'Dad, this is (Y/N),' she gestures to me and I wave. "Hello," I say meekly. "Oh?~" her father gains a smirk.

"I'm Kuniharu! Kusuko's father," he smiles widely and shakes my hand. Kusuko is as confused as me, "It's nice," he smiles. "W...What is?" I ask. "Kusuko finally has a boyfriend!" he laughs. I look behind him at Kusuko and she's blushing madly, this deadly aura then appears around her. 'Dear father....' she says and her father pales. "I... I didn't mean it!" he starts laughing. "Kusuko's boyfriend?" this feminine voice rings out. I look and I guess this must be her mother, 'Do you have super hearing?!' Kusuko complains. "Ah~" her mother is up in my face. She starts tearing up, "My dear Kusuko," she cries. This only serves to make Kusuko and myself more embarrassed, "Hello miss," I smile. "Kurumi, you can call me Kurumi dear," Kurumi smiles. "Hello... Kurumi, I just moved here. I just met Kusuko today, we're not like.. that," I say awkwardly. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" she apologizes. "Kuu-chan! I didn't mean to embarrass you," Kurumi smiles as Kusuko drags them into the house. 'Bye' she says and slams the door.

I laugh and make my way home, my mom rushing to me about my day because she doesn't do much at home. My dad is still at work, "How was your day, sweetie?" she asks. "It was good, I met another psychic," I say. "Oh? That's nice, what are they like?" she asks. "Well... she has pink hair and eyes..." I say, trying to describe Kusuko. "She?" mom asks. "Mom don't," I sigh. "You better treat her right young man!" she shouts and points at me. "I just met her!" I say back. "She could be your future girlfriend, it doesn't hurt to lay the groundwork," she says like she's a 1000-year-old sage. I blush heavily, "Now you're acting like her parents!" I shout while giving up. I melt into the couch, I feel poking to my side. I turn my head and my mom is crouching down, "You met her parents?!" she quietly squeals. "I need to meet them," she says and then gets up and murmurs to herself. I just wave her off...

Kusuko POV

'I can't believe what you said out there' I sigh. "We're sorry! You don't normally walk home with boys is all," my dad laughs. 'You owe me 5 Coffee Jello's,' I demand moreso than ask. He quickly nods, "I guess it's only fair," he sulks. "Is he new? I haven't seen him around," my mom asks. 'Yeah, he just transferred.. He's also a psychic like me,' I tell them, I hope he doesn't mind. "That's neat! I want to sit down and talk with this man now," my mom smiles dreamily. I blush, 'I'm going to my room,' I tell them.

When I'm alone, my thoughts dart to (Y/N). They're not romantic or anything like that, but... I just can't stop thinking about him for some reason. I've tried everything, watching TV.. Playing videogames... Teleporting to Hawaii... nothing works. I get to school the next day, I use my likability meter on (Y/N) as soon as I see him. It reads 55... So he doesn't love me, but he considers me a good friend? So is this all just in my head? "Hello Kusuko," he smiles as he sits down. 'Hello...' I reply. 'I told my mom that I met another psychic and when she found out that you were a girl, she freaked out,' he sighed while hitting his head on the desk. 'If it makes you feel any better, my parents did the exact same thing,' I say back and he laughs.

The next week or so is spend like every other day, (Y/N) having a conversation telepathically. You know how I mentioned that my thoughts were of (Y/N)? Because he genuinely is interesting, I like hearing his story. These thoughts about him have only increased in frequency, it's almost like my telepathy; hearing everyone's thoughts at once. But I found that if I concentrate on (Y/N), these thoughts drown out. I think that my thoughts of him have evolved from wanting to know more about him to something more, I think that I might... like him. Like.. like like him. If I used my Like-meter on myself, I'm worried that it'd be in the '70s or '80s.

I always check the like meter on (Y/N), his opinion of me seems to increase little by little day by day. I go to school and per usual, we're talking about our daily lives. 'Kusuko,' (Y/N) says. 'Yes?' I ask with a slight blush. 'Would you like to come over for dinner sometime?' he asks. 'S..Sure,' I smile. The day ends with me a blushing and stuttering mess, but only around (Y/N). "When do you want come over?" he asks. 'Uh... How about this weekend?' I ask and he nods. "Sure thing," he smiles. He heads to his home, I walk inside and tell my parents about how I plan to have dinner at his house this weekend. "Then you have to invite him over here, Kuu-chan!" my mom smiles. 'W..Why?' I ask. "It's the right thing to do," she nods sternly.

The weekend quickly approaches and I was having a dilemma on what to wear, but I eventually decided on something. I walk to his home, my heart fluttering like crazy. I get there and knock on the door, it opens and it's (Y/N). "Hello Kusuko," he smiles. This makes me blush, 'H..Hello (Y/N),' I say shyly back. "Come in," he gestures. I enter and dinner is already cooking judging from the amazing smell coming from the kitchen, I walk in and am met by a lady holding my hands. "So you're the psychic?!" she asks excitedly. "Mom... I.." (Y/N) says and sighs. 'That would be me,' I say awkwardly. "Give her some space, she just got here," (Y/N) says as his mom backs away while laughing. "You never told me she was so cute!" his mom puts a blush on my face. "Mom!" (Y/N) yells, equally embarrassed. "Dear, give them a break," (Y/N)'s father walks in. "Hello there, I'm (Y/N)'s father," he smiles. 'Hello,' I say back.

We sit and have a lovely dinner, (Y/N)'s parents asking what my life was like growing up. Wondering if mine and (Y/N)'s upbringings were similar in any way, we had some similar experiences. I had an amazing time overall, "Is there a dessert you like, Kusuko?" his mother asked. 'There's nothing I like more than Coffee Jello' I say shyly. She looks at (Y/N), (Y/N) smirks, and shakes his head. "You get too much enjoyment out of this ability," (Y/N) says as his mom giggles. 'What ability?' I ask. "Just watch," he smirks and holds out his hands. A coffee Jello appears out of nowhere, "Here you go," he says and hands me it. 'Apport?' I ask confused. 'No, creation..' he smiles. 'wow' I say in surprise. "It's only small things but.." he smiles. 'You are now the most important person in my life,' I say half-joking but serious.

My mother's words ring through my head, I guess they'll chew me out if I don't at least ask him. '(Y/N)' I say. "Yes?" he asks. 'My parents want you to come over for dinner since you invited me, want to come over sometime?' I ask and he nods. "Sure thing!" he smiles brightly. "I'm just going to pretend I know what you're saying," his mother jokes. "She asked if I wanted to go over to her house for dinner sometime, her parents told her to do that since I invited her here," he explains. "That's wonderful!" she smiles. The night comes to an end and it's time for me to head home, "I'll take you home," (Y/N) says. I could teleport home, but I don't want to be rude. 'Thank you,' I thank him. "Here," he says and extends his hand. I shyly take it and we're instantly teleported, we're at my door. 'Thank you,' I say shyly.

I'm about to go inside, '(Y/N),' I say and stop him before he teleports home. I run up to him and give him a kiss on the cheek, 'Thank you for the wonderful night' I smile and run inside.

*An undetermined amount of time later*

These feelings are too much, so I've asked my mom for help as a last resort. 'It's like how I can hear the thoughts of everyone around me at once,' I say and she hums. 'No matter how hard I try, my thoughts never stray from him,' I say shyly. "I think I know what's happening," my mom says calmly. "I think you're in love with this boy," she says and I sigh. 'I know,' I say and she's confused. "Then what's the problem?" she asks. 'I'm worried is all, I guess...' I say softly. "About what?" she asks. 'I've never experienced these things, what if...' I say and begin listing the things that could go wrong. She puts her hand on my shoulder, "Kusuko," she smiles. "Nothing will go wrong, everyone has these thoughts at some point," she reassures me. "You just have to take the leap," she smiles. I blush and put my head down, 'But what if he doesn't like me back?' I ask. "Can't your powers tell you if he likes you?" she asks. 'I mean.. kinda,' I shrug.

"Has this power ever steered you wrong?" she asks and I shake my head. "Then check if he likes you, if he has even the slightest chance of liking you back, then you don't have anything to fear," she says and smiles. She really set me at ease, I calm myself and really think over what I should do. I head to bed, my mind rushing with thoughts. As I arrive at school, I realize the nervousness that had been building. My face heats up as I blush, I'm not even confessing yet! Every day felt like it blazed through, so why does this one feel like a slow crawl?! 'You okay Kusuko?' (Y/N) asks. 'Y..Yeah! Why?!..' I ask, a bit nervous. 'You'd normally start a conversation by now is all...' he smiles, which only serves to make me blush harder.

'(Y/N)..' I say during lunch. 'Yeah?' he asks. 'Can we meet somewhere private after school?' I ask and I see a small blush grow on his face. 'S..Sure,' he smiles. The school day comes to a close and (Y/N) and I stay behind when everyone leaves, "Where'd you want to go?" he asks shyly. 'Somewhere private' I respond. He nods and looks around before offering me his hand, I take it and we're teleported to the school rooftop.


It'd be stupid of me to deny the fact that I am deeply in love with Kusuko, although I'm good at hiding my nervousness around her. I teleport us to the rooftop after she asked to go somewhere private, I could have teleported us on top of the Eiffel Tower but meh. I quickly retract my hand after I realized how long I had been holding it, "I'm sorry!" I say. 'It helps with what I want to say,' she says shyly and grabs my hand. My blush increases as my heart rate spikes, I use my like meter and it reads... 99. '99?! Holy crap! Okay... stay calm, you know what to do,' I try and calm myself down. 'It's hard to put into words really,' she says shyly. I squeeze her hand, 'No one is rushing you,' I assure her and she nods.

She takes a breath, '(Y/N)... I think for the first time, I'm in love,' she says and it's only now starting to hit me how madly in love with her I am. 'I guess what I'm trying to say is...' she takes a breath and looks up at me. She moves closer towards me, "I love you," she speaks as she kisses me. I reciprocate and wrap my arms around her petite figure as we kiss, the next few moments can't be put into words. We slightly separate with a string of saliva between us, "I love you too Kusuko," I confess and she smiles. She rests her head on my chest as we stand there, in each other's embrace.

𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙎𝙖𝙞𝙠𝙞.𝙠 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें