13 [Rewritten]

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Four days had passed since the end of Jack the Ripper. Grell had made sure that Madam Red was settled back into her boring, everyday life. Of course Madam Red was still shaken at her closeness to death but with the help of Arthur, that seemed to ease.

Grell sighed as he was catching up and doing the paperwork for killing the prostitutes. At least WIlliam wouldn't nag Grell, when they see each other again. Speaking of William, said shinigami had just been in Grell's office, handing Grell another assignment from the higher ups.

"A Henry Barrymore," muttered Grell as he flipped over the papers inside the document. Henry Barrymore along with some other people are scheduled to die in the coming days. "The village Houndsworth village... that sounds vaguely familiar."


At the outskirts of Houndsworth village, the Phantamhive Lord and servants were traveling on a horse wagon, going to the Houndsworth village. "Holiday, holiday, we're going on a holiday!" chanted the Phantomhive servants, apart from Sebastian who kept his face neutral.

"Who knew that the Master could be this kind!" Exclaimed Bard in his usual american accent. He couldn't wait to get to their destination.

"Do you her how happy they are, young Master? They're very grateful to you such a kind young Master," commented Sebastian with a smile.

"I couldn't leave them at the mansion, they would have probably burnt it down or something," told Ciel with a huff. He would never leave his servants alone with his mansion.

"We've arrived," stated Sebastian as the wagon stopped, everyone looked at the empty land in front of them.

"WHAT?!" Exclaimed the servants.

"I forgot to tell you that the resort, that the Queen has instructed to be made, hasn't been built yet," told Sebastian, amused at the disappointed expressions on the servants.

"Yes, Master" said the servants disappointedly that they weren't going to a resort.


The Phantomhive group continued to make their way to Barrymore Castle by carriage, eventually the carriage stopped again, outside of Barrymore Castle. The Phantomhive group was greeted by a maid with light blue hair.

"I presume that this is the Earl of Phantomhive?" Asked the maid, glancing at Ciel with a smile.

"Yes," answered Sebastian for Ciel.

"Welcome to Barrymore Castle, my Master awaits your arrival," said Angela, curtsying towards Ciel and leading everyone inside the castle. Finny blushed at Angela, feelings of love struck developing for Angela.

"Master, I brought some guests," told Angela, moving towards her Master, Henry Barrymore. Instead of a simple nod of dismissal, Henry used a whip to punish Angela. Meanwhile, Ciel and Sebastian were looking at the hunting trophies.

"Who the hell is this chihuahua!?" Exclaimed an enraged Henry. "I told you to bring me the Queens guard dog, not this chihuahua<" said Henry looking down at Ciel.

"Chihuahua?" Questioned Sebastian, looking at Ciel with a small smirk. The Chihuahua comparison definitely suited Ciel.

"Can't you do anything right?" Told the furious Henry as he kept on whipping Angela.

"Move Sebastian," commanded Ciel as Sebastian moved out the way to let Ciel go to Henry. Sebastian grabbed the Henry's arm to stop him from whipping Angela.

"What are you doing you filthy Doberman? Someone should train you better, let me go right now!" Exclaimed Henry in anger, he tried to shift his hand out of Sebastian's grip but found that he couldn't.

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