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Please comment title name, I.e Grell the awesome. Thank you!
Also I'm thinking of writing a yandere story but don't know which character to use. Suggestions are welcome.

It had been several days since the 'Lady Blanc' business. Ciel and Sebastian were now going on a trip to Paris. The queen was in Paris and Ciel was going to visit her at the exhibition.

Not to surprisingly Grell was at the exhibition, he was waiting for chaos to follow. Six people were going to die at the exhibition today.

Sebastian and Ciel were looking at an 'angel' but in reality it was a stuffed monkey with white wings. Suddenly, the monkey sprang to life, attacking everyone and everything insight.

"About time," muttered Grell as he sat on a balcony in the building. He was watching the chaos that the monkey was causing. He saw that Sebastian and Ciel but paid them no mind, he had a job to do.

Ciel has rushed off to find the Queen. While Sebastian was taking care of the monkey. Grell was off, gathering the stray souls that were killed.

"What a surprise to see you here, Grell," Sebastian said as he stood beside the red haired male. He was holding the monkey that he had capture.

"You shouldn't be that surprised, a grim reaper follows wherever there is death," stated Grell as he collected the souls. "It seems that the angel is here."

"Oh?" Sensation raised an eyebrow. Grell rolled his eyes at the demon. "It seems so... I wonder how young master will deal with this."

"As how he always does, Sebastian, as I suspect. By wining through any means necessary," Grell gave Sebastian a grin. "As expected of a person contracted to a demon."

"I suppose you are right, Grell," Sebastian looked at the open sky. "But my young mister can be surprising."

A glow emitted from Grells coat's pocket. Grell sewing this glow went into his pocket and grabbed the glowing object, a small book.

The book opened at a specific blank page, new information appeared on the previously blank page.

"Well isn't this interesting," muttered Grell as he looked at the book. Sebastian was going to ask a question but was cut off before he could ask it. "Shouldn't you be going to your young master?"

With a smirk Sebastian leaped off to protect Ciel from what ever trouble he had gotten himself him. Grell rolled his eyes at the demon's dramatic.

Meanwhile Ciel has found Queen Victoria and they were in a deep conversation, about the latest events that has happened.

Ciel found himself face to face with the queens butler, Ash. But in reality Ash and Angela the angel were the same person. The Queen has ordered the elimination of Ciel.

Ash nodded to his 'master', unsheathing his sword and aiming it at Ciel. Before Ash could land a fatal blow with his sword, Sebastian had appeared behind Ciel, picked him up bridal style and moved out of the way.

"Sebastian, I order you to kill Ash!" Commanded Ciel as he stood on the ground.

"Is that all master?" Asked Sebastian as he prepared himself to fight the angel.

"No... Sebastian kill the Queen!" Exclaimed Ciel. Queen Victoria shook at the words spoken from Ciel.

"As you wish."

Sebastian and Ash started to fight each other. Each landing and dodging blows to each other. Ciel seeing the damage that the two were causing to the building, ordered Sebastian to stop.



Sebastian had left Ciel to his own devices. Ciel had to make his way back to London on his own. He had to stop the purge of London.

"It seems that your in a bit of a pickle," said Grell as saw the poor state of Ciel. "How does it feel to be powerless?" Ciel gripped his hands tightly.

"Shut up!"

"So you still have your pride, hm?" Grell raised his eyebrow. "You need to get on a boat to London and luckily for you I'm going to London as well, so I know when the next one is."

"Why? Grell are you going to London."

"We need all the reapers that we can get to go to London." Ciel eyes raised more reaper meant more deaths. "I think you better hurry Ciel, wouldn't want to keep your demon waiting too long."

Ciel rushes to the docks, waiting for the next boat to arrive to London. Before Grell left to follow after Ciel, he stopped and turned to a shadowy alley.

"They grow up so fast, don't they?" Grell spoke softly, directing his voice to the alley. A small chuckle could be heard from there.

"Indeed they do, Grell," said a voice, hiding within the alley.

"So close yet so far... I wonder what would happen if?"

"Don't you dare Grell!" Warned the voice.

"I'm kidding! And besides how long are you going to stay in the shadows? Forever?"

"Never you mind that."

"I would love to stay and chat more, however unlike some people I have a job, so goodbye for now,' Grell sighed as he walked after Ciel. Leaving the voice to its own devices.

"I wonder how this will play out," mumbles the voice before vanishing further into the darkness.

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