3 [Rewritten]

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A/N: I don't own Black Butler, if I did Grell would be a total badass and going out with undertaker or have a harem of men including undertaker.

'....' thinking

"...." speaking

During the next eight years of Grells life, he was visited by various tutors and scholars. Their purpose was to help Grell prepare to become the next Earl Sutcliff. Grell also had the pleasure of attending the many parties hosted by the nobility.

Usually the parties existed for the nobility to gossip and do business. But the worst part of the parties, for Grell, was the snobby and entitled attitudes of the nobles, specifically the girls.

Don't get him wrong, it wasn't that Grell didn't like woman. He was BI for goodness sake, but of course nobody could know about that. He'd be lynched or burned at the stake! Getting back to the point, the noble ladys just rubbed him off in the wrong way. The girls reminded him of rabid dogs.

Still Grell didn't know how people lived without the internet. But at least he had William and his new family. Speaking of William, Grell hoped that his friend would forgive him for throwing him to the wolves.

Today was Grells thirteenth birthday and unlucky for him it was also the day that his parents decided to start looking for an engagement partner. He had manage to get his parents to hold of an engagement for years but now he didn't have a choice.

Grell glanced at the butlers and maids that were running around like headless chickens. They were trying to add the finishing touches to Grells birthday party.

Grell was currently getting dressed for his party, which consisted of an expensive white silk shirt and a black tie, it tucked neatly into a set of black trousers. The only thing that Grell needed to do was finish brushing his hair, that was now reaching just passed his shoulders.

A knock on Grells bedroom door, caused him to stop what he was doing and put the brush down. "Come in," told Grell as the door opened to reveal William.

"Happy birthday, Grell," said William with a small smile while holding a wrapped item in his hand. William moved closer to Grell and passed him the item.

Grell smiled as he looked at the item in his hand. "Thank you, but I'm not looking forward to today," told Grell. He opened the item only to find that it was a new book. "You know me so well."

"I've had to deal with you for years," hummed William. A smirk formed on his face at the thought of today. "Why don't you like today, it's your birthday?"

A frown placed on Grells lips. "You know why, William. I dont want to be engaged to one of those... those snobby banshees!" Whined Grell, thinking about the noble girls.

"Really, Grell. I have already an engagement in place and its not as bad as you would think," said William. Grell huffed at his friend.

"But I don't know who it is yet!" Exclaimed Grell.

"Grell just accept the engagement there is nothing that you can do about it," told William as he pushed up his glasses.

Grell sighed as he placed the book on his desk. This conversation was getting nowhere. "There is nothing I can do about... now," said Grell with a smirk forming. "But nobody can say that I can't do anything later."

"Shall we go to your party?" Asked William.

"Lets go," said Grell as he and William made their way to the ballroom. They both took a seat at a quiet corner of the ballroom, Grell silently watched as his parents stopped the music to make a toast.

"It has been thirteen years since the birth of my son and today marks the day of the first steps of becoming a man that our family will be proud off," told Earl Alexander with a proud tone.

"Congratulations," whispered William.

"And I am also pleased to announce that my son and the daughter of Viscount Brown, Maria, will be engaged. And that their marriage will happen after my sons eighteenth birthday," said Earl Alexander.

Hearing the announcement, Grell groaned into his arms. Of course he had to get the worst banshee as a fiance. William chuckled at his friends misery. "It shouldn't be that bad," hummed William.

"You wouldn't understand, William. You lucked out," mused Grell. The two spent the evening dodging Grells fiance. "Father, may I go to my room, I feel ill."

Seeing that Grell had been to the party for over three hours, Earl Alexander allowed for Grell to leave. "I will allow it, and Grell, make sure you feel better," said Earl Alexander.

"Thank you, father," replied Grell with a small smile. William discretely followed behind Grell.


"Do you want to talk about it?" Questioned William.

"The engagement... why did father have to engage me to the Queen of banshees!" Exclaimed Grell.

'And there it is,' thought William. "Are you sure that you are not over exaggerating about her?" Asked William. Surely the girl wasn't that bad, his fiance wasn't.

"Maria is known to throw tantrums over any little thing. I've witnessed it myself. If she thinks someone is more beautiful than her she makes their life a living hell," told Grell, thinking about Maria's tantrums. "And there was also one time were she made some children cry..."

William winced at the thought of having Maria as his fiance. Maybe Grell wasn't over exaggerating too much? "Maybe your not over exaggerating..."

"I am not," hissed Grell, biting his lip to stop himself from snapping at William again. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you."

"It is understandable for a person in your situation, your stressed out," said William, unaffected by Grells outburst. "Perhaps you should rest."

"That is a good idea, sleep does sound great," hummed Grell.

"It is getting late, Grell. I should head home, goodnight Grell," told William as he hugged his friend goodbye.

"Have a safe journey home, William," said Grell as he watched William leave his room to head home. Once William left, Grell changed out of his evening wear and into something more comfortable.

Grell laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling, lost in his thoughts. He was feeling unsettled by the arrival of his engagement. Grell had a sense of foreboding that he couldn't shake off. Eventually, Grell drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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