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"So that makes sense to you?" Scott asked.


"So it doesn't."

"It does...I think. Let's just do a final revision tomorrow" To be honest, Scott was a really good teacher and I really did think I had gotten it but I'd never gotten anything in Chemistry that fast...so yeah, I wasn't sure.

"Okay" he closed the books that we had spent all day studying.

We had chosen a booth in the very back of Joe's to avoid distractions while we studied and it had worked.

I had no idea what the time was because my phone was dead and I couldn't see the diner clock from where I was.

When I returned from trying to peer out of the booth and see the clock, I found that I was suddenly closer to Scott, very close.

His eyes were dark and I immediately jumped back. As though the action startled him, he shook his head and his eyes went back to normal.

"I should get going. I'm very tired." He rubbed a hand over his face. I nodded mutely and stood up to let him get out of the booth.

What the hell was that??

He stopped as he got out, "It's evening, do you want me to give you a ride?"

Grey was supposed to pick me up, "No thanks. I'll just wait."

He nodded, and avoiding my eyes, left the diner.

I stood there for a few more minutes before deciding to move to the counter, where it was closer to the clock and I would be able to see Grey when he arrived.

I picked up my bag and made my way to a stool at the counter. The diner was nearly empty, with just a few people scattered around.

As I sat down, I could finally see the clock. 6:02.

I turned around on my stool to face the diner and people-watch since my phone was dead and I had no other form of entertainment.

People-watching was one of my more favourite things to do. I tried to imagine what kind of life each person lived, what had brought them here and if they were brooding, what they were thinking about.

Okay first subject, the old lady at the far left. Maybe around 85. Lonely, all her children (if she had any) had moved out of this town first chance they'd had, widowed early. I realised that, like me, she was people watching. And at the moment, she was doing the hooded man by the window.

I shifted my attention to him too and immediately started. His hood was so low that I couldn't see his eyes but it couldn't be mistaken who he was staring at.

Was he people-watching too? Was that why he was staring so intently at me? When he realized I was looking at him, he immediately dropped his gaze. Who was that??

I was distracted by the bell as somebody walked into the diner. My shoulders sank as I realised that it wasn't Grey. But it was a man. A man whose eyes very subtly flicked to me immediately he walked in.

He walked at sat down on the stool right next to mine. And I don't know whether it was because I had been living with werewolves for a while or because I'd been hanging out with them even longer, but I noticed he smelt like Scott.

And the one thing Grey kept repeating about Scott was 'he doesn't smell human'

Did this man also not smell human??

Whether he did or didn't, I needed to get out of there. I got up very slowly, as if that would make me invisible and slowly made my way to the door. I cursed the loud bell that alerted even people three blocks away of my exit.

It was dusk and the only thing still lighting up the sky was the sun setting somewhere behind the diner.

I decided I would just head in the direction of Grey's house, hoping I would meet him on the way because there was no way I would be able to find the house on my own despite having lived there for about a week now

Grey had told me the house was designed to be difficult even for other werewolves to find.

Suddenly, my ears picked up the tiniest sound. I was being followed.

I didn't dare look back, I just walked faster. The person behind me didn't seem too worried about catching up to me as they didn't walk any faster.

Was I overreacting?

Where in the world was Grey???

"Excuse me" The man behind me called out.

Certainly not overreacting.

I broke into a light jog.

"Excuse me!" He called again.

I still didn't stop. Saying I was terrified would be the understatement of the century.

Then a hand clamped down on my shoulder, "Tamara Grace. Don't you know it's rude to ignore people?"

I didn't know how he has caught up to me so quickly. His voice was sickly sweet. His grip was tight.

Nevertheless, I reached up and tried to pry his fingers off which was surprisingly easy. He didn't try to stop me and as I looked forward again, I realised why.

There were three other men around me.

I had no where to run.

"This is her? Really?" One of them asked.

"Yes" the one that had caught me snapped, "Now, Tamara Grace, there's somebody who's been waiting rather anxiously to get you."

One of the other men put a glove on his hand before taking what seemed like a handkerchief out of his pocket.

Only that I knew it wasn't just a handkerchief.

I could smell the chloroform from where I was.

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