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I walked into the cafeteria, assessing the crowd. Somehow, my mind went back to the grey-eyed guy. I had rushed out of the class immediately the bell had been rung, not giving myself a chance to give in to curiosity and talk to him.

The dreams had started a few months after my sixteenth birthday. It wasn't really clear. I'd be running in the woods, laughing and beside me, running too, were grey eyes. I couldn't see any other feature of the person. Just the eyes.

I chose a table at the far back, taking small bites of my cheese sandwich. I kept my eyes down not wanting to catch the eyes of any of the people staring at me.

I heard the clatter of a tray being dropped on the other side of the table and I looked up to find a small redhead.

"Hi" she gave me a small wave. I nodded at her, food in my mouth.

"Do you mind if I sit here" she asked and I shook my head.

She sat down. I remembered seeing her in the English class that morning. She had a small round face; she was really pretty. She seemed calm, her hair being the only wild thing about her.

I swallowed the my food "Tamara Grace"

"Ciara" she smiled, she had even white teeth "Everybody's talking about you, you know?"

I gritted my teeth "Yeah, I feel like a walking lab experiment"

She laughed, "It's not your fault. We haven't had a new student here in years" "You moved into Harry's old house right?"


"The last new student we had. Cream house, at the edge of town right?"

"Yeah" "How long have you lived here"

"I was born here" she shrugged.

Lucky. I had never stayed in a town longer than a year because of my dad's job. I didn't know how it felt to have childhood friends and all that.

The bell rang. "What class do you have now?"

I checked my schedule "Art"

"I have Geography but the Art room is on my way" she hooked her arm in mine. "C'mon I'll show you"


The art teacher was young, her name was Lisa and she wanted to be addressed that way. I loved art. It was practically the only class I felt at home in.

This time, I'd chosen a table at the back. I didn't like people seeing what I created. I pulled out my sketchbook and the other stuff I would need.

There were eleven of us in the class and everybody had a table partner but me. The door burst open and my heart stopped.

He nodded at the teacher and she didn't say anything about his being late.

He scanned the room and tried to sink lower on my stool but it was practically impossible to hide in a room of eleven people.

His eyes stopped on me and he smirked before making his way over.

Oh Jesus, please please please don't let him sit beside me.

His bag landed on the floor next to mine and he balanced on the stool and butterflies erupted in my stomach.

Lisa started explaining what she wanted us to do today.

"What's your name?" I stilled then continued moving my pencil on the paper as if I hadn't heard him.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him reach for my bag and I dropped the pencil and snatched my bag up, hugging it.

"What do you want" I whispered, not wanting to disturb the other people.

"She talks" he muttered "What's your name?"

"Tamara Grace" I snapped "Now leave me alone."

After that, we did our work in silence and I let myself go. When the bell went, I snapped back to reality and looked at what I had created. I sighed when I saw that it was the same drawing that had dominated my sketchbook in the last year. A pair of grey eyes surrounded by darkness.

I slammed the book shut. I didn't need the grey-eyed boy next to me seeing that.

His bag was packed but he seemed to be waiting for me.

I picked up my bag, and ignoring him, walked out of the class, glad the day was over.

He easily caught up with me.

"Where do you live?"

I sighed knowing he wasn't going to leave me alone "Apparently Harry's old house"

I saw his jaw set and his face became hard.

"Are you okay?" I asked

He relaxed "Yeah, yeah. Let me take you home"

Yeah like daddy wouldn't already make me fast and pray for seven days if he saw me walking and talking with a boy without the boy bringing me home.

"No thanks. I'm good."

"C'mon" He grabbed my hand and started pulling me outside.

"Leave me alone-" I paused realising I didn't know his name.

"Grey" he said.

Like his eyes.

I pulled my hand out of his grip. "You are not taking me home."

"Why not?" He seemed genuinely confused.

I scoffed. He's gotta be kidding "Because I don't know you!"

He stiffened.

I didn't wait to hear what he had to say. I turned around and headed in the direction of home.

I heard footsteps behind me. "Why are you following me?"

"Look, I won't walk beside you or anything. I just want to make sure you get home safe"

He was stubborn. And that's how we went. He didn't disturb me, the only indication he was still behind me has the shadow I saw on the ground, not far from mine.

I stopped  when I got to the last bend before my house. I didn't want to take the risk of either of my parents seeing him behind me.

"Bye Grey"

His eyes softened. He seemed sad "Bye Gracie"

Gracie. He called me Gracie.

Luna Grace [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz