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Saying I was furious would be the understatement of the century. 

Saying I was scared, however, would be an even bigger understatement. 

They had almost taken my mate. My queen had very narrowly missed ending up in the hands of maniacs. Worse still, she had been saved by Alex, a guy I had never really noticed in the pack. That’s who saved my mate. 

Me? Where was I? 

Looking for my car keys. 

The very thought infuriated me. I was a werewolf. Interim Alpha of the biggest pack in the country and one of the largest in the world. And lost car keys delayed me from going to pick my mate up on time. What if Alex hadn’t been driving by? What if he hadn’t felt the urge to rescue the girl surrounded by men without even realizing who she was at first? What would they have done to my Gracie?

That infuriated me again. What were they going to do with Gracie? A month had passed since the discovery of this chosen one and we hadn’t gotten any more information which was weird because there is always a blabbermouth in every pack. Alphas prefer to forget about that fact but unfortunately, it was true. There was always a wolf who’d be happy to talk for a little reward. But none of the other packs we’d interrogated had any idea where or who the chosen one was. Some of them had never even heard of him. If their objective had been to kill her, they had more than enough time today, but they didn’t. They wanted to take her away. 

“Put stage four lockdown in place immediately,” two of the men before me nodded and left the room, leaving me with Mason and Ryan. I settled back in my chair, “Okay brief me”.

Both of them sat also.

“We haven’t spoken to Tamara yet to get her side of the story, so we are only aware of what happened after Alex got there,” Mason explained.

“He said he was driving to the Joe’s with a friend when he saw a girl surrounded by four men. He didn’t know what was happening but stopped the car. By that time, they had put a chloroform-soaked handkerchief on her face, and she was struggling. So, his friend and him attacked the men. Only that it wasn’t as easy as he had been expecting. He said the men were ‘stronger than normal humans’. And then that was when you arrived. Apparently, if you hadn’t come just then, Alex and his friend would have been killed and Tamara would have been taken”.

“And Gracie’s still passed out?” I asked.

“Yeah, the pack doctor says she’ll wake up soon though. She didn’t inhale a lot of the chemical”.

I nodded, “Were you able to track down the guy who ran?”

Ryan shook his head “Not yet, some wolves are still following his scent”.

“So Alex said they were humans yeah?”

“He said they smelt like humans but obviously, they didn’t fight like them. Two werewolves versus four human men should have been easy game but Alex and his friend were easily overpowered”

I thought about it, “They smelt like the wolf from the Halloween party. Like Scott. Like creatures trying to smell like humans”

“You keep saying creatures, Grey,” began Mason, “not werewolves”

“That’s it, I’m not sure they are werewolves”.


I groaned as my eyes slowly adjusted to the bright lights in the room. My head felt as if it was stuffed with wool. 

Where was I?

And then it all came stampeding back to me.

Oh God. How was I going to get out of here??

"Oh, you're awake" the lady walking into the room noted.

She was short with salt and pepper hair pulled back so tight that my headache intensified just looking at it. She advanced towards me, clipboard in hand.

"Stay away from me!" I looked around for something I would be able to use as a weapon but the room was as clean as a psych ward.

Did Grey know I had been kidnapped? Was he looking for me?

"I didn't do anything? Just let me go, please"

"What are you going on about now" she muttered, as she got to my bed, "You're on Blood Moon territory"

My eyes widened, "Grey?"

"Yes yes, you're in the Alpha's house" she said impatiently, "how are you feeling?"

My heart was beating wildly in my chest. I hadn't been kidnapped? What in the world had happened??



"How are you feeling?"

"Oh" I paused, "I have a headache"

"To be expected" she grabbed a glass of water from the small table next to the bed along with some pills, "here, take these".

I gratefully gulped the cool water, wrinkling my nose as I swallowed the pills. "Can I see Grey?"

She collected the glass from me, "I'll tell the Alpha you're awake"

She left the room, her sensible shoes clicking all the way and I leaned back on my headboard, staring at the white ceiling.

A short while later, the door burst open and Grey rushed in.

“Gracie!” he clumsily hugged me, “How are you feeling?”

“As if somebody knocked me over with a log.” I winced, “My head is pounding”

“Can’t you give her some painkillers?” he barked at the doctor.

I attempted a smile, “calm down, she already gave me something for the headache”

"Are you hurt?"


"You're sure?" He looked into my eyes, smoothing my hair.


The door opened again and this time it was Ryan and Mason.

"Graceballs! Are you okay?" Ryan asked, shoving himself between Grey and I and hugging me.

I laughed, "Yes"

"Good, do not scare me like that again young lady"

I saw Grey look pointedly at the doctor and she bowed slightly and left the room immediately.

Grey turned back to me, "Baby, I know you just woke up, but do you think you can tell us what happened?"

"Umm...sure" I started from when Scott left, then when I noticed the people staring at me, leaving the diner, the man, the other men, and finally, passing out after struggling with the man who put the handkerchief on my face.

The expression on Grey's face was undecipherable by the time I finished. His expression was taut and his eyes dark.

"Okay so you guys fill me in on how I got here" I quickly moved on.

I listened as they explained how I'd been rescued.

"One more thing" I said as they finished, "the guy at the diner, the one who sat beside me, he...smelt different"

They all exchanged meaningful looks. It was Grey who spoke, "what do you mean, baby?"

"He smelt...like Scott"
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