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My foot couldn't stop bouncing as I studied- or more accurately, tried to study my passage for the day.


What in the world had Grey meant by that??

Was he coming here? Was I going there? Going where? I didn't even know in what direction his house was!

"Tamara Grace! Dinner!"

Great. I was going to have to wing it when my father asked me about the passage because I sure as hell hadn't learnt anything.

I closed my Bible and headed downstairs. Just as I reached the bottom of the stairs I heard my father's truck pull up.

Mom placed the last bowl on the table and stood by the chair, waiting for him to come in.

His car door slammed shut and soon after, the front door followed.

My mother was the first to react.

"Honey! Welcome home!" she moved forward to help him take his jacket off. "How was work today?"

Those were the exact same words she said everyday.

Dad grunted in response.

His exact response everyday.

"Good evening father" He didn't look at me. He never does.

He sat down at the head of the table and my mother and I took our respective places after him.

We never sat down before him. The father is the head of the house.

"Let us pray" Those were always his first words.

We linked hands.

"Father, we thank you for my work today. We thank you that I work hard to provide for my family. We thank you for the food my wife has prepared . Help us not to sin, for we understand sin is paramount to death. Amen."

"Amen" my mother and I echoed.

Dinner was usually silent at the beginning; just clattering of cutlery on the ceramic plates. And then;

"Your day?" He would ask, invariably while stuffing something into his mouth.

I always went first.

"School was interesting. I was early. We learnt trigonometry in Maths, the teacher said I'm a fast learner."

I wisely left out the part about sitting at a table with three boys at lunch and actually getting hugged by and holding hands with one of them. I much more wisely left out the part of said boy saying something about seeing me tonight. It was for everybody's good. At least that's what I tried to convince my conscience with.

Mum said she had cleaned the house and gone to the supermarket before embarking on a thirty-minute praying session that afternoon.

Nothing new there.

More silence. My father never said anything about his day.

I finished eating first, seeing as I was starving having not eaten lunch. I then had to wait for my parents to finish so that we could pray and I could escape to my room.

My eyes kept starting to the wooden clock that hung on the wall behind my mother.

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tock.

It was night right? So was Grey on his way? I shook my head at the ridiculousness. He wouldn't know where I lived since I always left him at the corner.


"Tamara Grace, pray for us."

My father's voice jolted me. Even more than usual since I was thinking about something I knew would get me a dry fast for like the rest of my life.

I gulped. My mind was dirty; filled with one boy's name and he wanted me to pray??

My mother kicked me under the table.

"Ow- Father Lord, we thank you for this meal, we thank you for my mother who prepared i-"

My father cleared his throat.

I moved it along "We ask for forgiveness, and pray for protection as we go to bed. Amen."

I carried my plate to the kitchen immediately. My father was going to be up soon to ask me questions. I needed to get to studying, and fast.

I ran up to my room, closing the door behind me. I turned around and I nearly screamed.

Nearly, because I had enough sense to stop myself just in time as I recognised who the figure in black was.

"Grey?!" I whisper-yelled. "What are you doing here?! How did you get here?! How-"

"Slow down princess" He chuckled.

"No no no. You can't be here!"

"I know, I ju-"

"No! I mean you cannot be here! My father is coming to my room soon and he will slaughter me if he finds you here!"

I heard my father's step on the bottom step.

I'd never been so greatful for creaking floorboards.

"He's coming! You have to get out of here!"

"Where should I go?" It irked me that even as my heart was beating a mile a minute he was still as calm as ever; his hands, buried deep in his sweatpants' pockets and that blasted smirk on his face, looking at me as if I was the most amusing thing in the world.

"I don't know! Just just-" I was on the verge of tears now, my father had reached the top of the stairs. I heard his footsteps coming toward my room.

And Grey was still standing there.

"Please please you-"

I heard my bedroom door open.
*Evil laugh*
So guys, what do you think?? Is Grey going to get found out? Is our Gracie going to pass out from sheer anxiety? Find out in the next chapter. Comment! ❤️

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