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The week following that was one of the most boring weeks of my life. Grey declared a lockdown which meant nobody could go in or come out of the pack houses- both our house and the other pack house.

Which meant I was stuck inside the house practically alone. Grey and the boys were in the house with me but they invariably spent all day locked in Grey's office trying to find the guys that had tried to kidnap me. And so, I spent my days in front of the large flat screen TV in the living room, or scrolling through social media on my phone.

I had missed the project I was supposed to do with Scott but Grey had assured me that I wouldn't fail the class... something about the principal not daring to. Even then, I felt guilty about just leaving Scott high and dry.

I hadn't even been able to call him and give him a heads-up that I wouldn't be in school because Grey had asked me not to contact him. He was now the prime suspect in my kidnapping investigation.

Grey had taken it very seriously when I had made the stupid comment that the men smelt like Scott.

Why did I say that???

It's not like I knew what Scott smelt like so why did I have to say that??

He had been trying to reach me on Instagram, Facebook, even called me a few times and I had ignored everything. It was getting increasingly difficult to do that though, because he now sent at least 10 messages everyday.

"You weren't at school again today!!"


"Where r u???!"

"I want to assume u're with your boyfriend since he hasn't been to school either"

"Did he do something to you??"

"Are u ok??"

"Are u even in Valley Hill??"

"Why are u ignoring me?!"

"Your last seen was just 5 mins ago!"

"Are u mad at me?"

"Did I do something??"


I throw my phone down after reading the last message that came in two minutes before.

I needed something to distract myself with. Christmas was in two days. I had given up on the idea of the Christmas celebration I had had when the lockdown began but what the hell? I could plan a party for 6 of us!

Except that Lana had gone to spend some time with her parents when the lockdown began and she still hadn't come back.

And I still had never seen Grey's mum out of her room since I had started living here.





"Okay so we have it narrowed down to this area" I used the red sharpie in my hand to circle an area on the large map spread out on my table.

"Yup that's where a member of the Shadow pack was last seen"

"How long ago was this member 'seen'?"

"About.... fifteen years ago"

I let out a low whistle, "So this is practically a dead end".

Ryan shook his head, "Maybe. But then maybe not. It wouldn't cost us anything to look"

I looked at Mason, who was nodding in agreement. I ran a hand through my hair. It wasn't like we had any other leads, "okay, fine. We'll go, just us three but at the end of this month. What's the report on Scott?"

"Two wolves still trailing him, another two working on background check. It's clean up till now but they are digging deeper", Mason said.

I nodded, bouncing my leg irritably. This shit was taking longer than I wanted it to. I needed to find the fuckers that tried to take my mate and make them pay.


The sight that met me when I entered the kitchen was comical. Gracie was standing on the countertop rummaging in cabinets that were made with the average height of a werewolf in mind.

"So bored you turned to extreme sports?" I asked, forgetting that she had human hearing and there was no way she could have heard me coming. She jumped, knocking her head on the door of the cabinet and nearly falling off the counter.

I leaped forward and carried her onto safe, solid ground, laughing, "Your first attempt at extreme sports and you nearly break your neck!"

She scowled, "I wasn't doing extreme sports! Why are your cabinets so freaking high! And where do you keep all your foodstuff?! I can't find anything!"

"Uhhhhh" I looked around the kitchen, hoping for large sign pointing me in the direction of whatever she was looking for, "I don't know".

"You don't know where the food in your own kitchen is?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know! Mrs. Knightly handles that stuff!"

She frowned, "Mrs. Knightly?"

"Yeah. You know, the lady that cooks?"

"You have a cook??"

I smiled, "Where did you think all the food you have been eating since you've been here came from, baby?"

She smiled sheepishly, she hadn't thought about it.

"Why are you looking for foodstuff anyway?"

"Christmas! I'm making dinner"

Now I raised an eyebrow, "you can cook?"

"You don't have to sound so surprised!"

"Okay, okay, sorry baby. So what's the plan for Christmas?"

Her face lit up, "You'll see" she winked, "Oh, I wanted to ask... do you think...can...can Ciara come?"

My heart dropped. She looked so hopeful but we were on a total lockdown, nobody was supposed to come to the house. And even if there was no lockdown, I still wouldn't be comfortable having Ciara in my house, "Baby,-"

"It's okay, I was just asking" she forced a smile, "Okay could you get Mrs. Knightly to show me where to find the things I need?"


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