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(Time Frame: After Grey dropped her off)

I walked away from Grey with mixed feelings. I liked him... but I loved my parents. However, in two months, he had treated me better than my parents had all my life. I shook my head as I reached my house, there was no other decision I could make.

I was so caught up in my head that I did not notice my father on the front porch until it was too late. I stopped short, realising that he had probably seen Grey.

"Get inside." He hissed, looking cautiously at the neighbours' houses.

I hung my head and brushed past him into the house. My mother was sitting on the couch, still wearing the same clothes she had on at dinner. I looked towards the table, it had been cleared. I realised they had finished eating before even worrying about their daughter who had run out into the night. I scoffed and shook my head. What did I expect?

My father slammed the door after him and I could swear that the house shook. He came around and stood in front of me, staring me down. Normally, I would be trembling by now, blubbering excuses and apologies. But I wasn't. I watched my father's eyes widen when he realised that.

He retreated and sat on the armchair, still looking at me. "How long?"

What in the world was he talking about now. "What?"

"How long have you been going around with a boy? How long has my daughter been a slut?!" He voice grew louder with each word until the last word that was so loud that even my mother jumped.

No matter how strong I was, it still hurt me to hear my own father call me a slut but I made sure not to let it show. I scoffed, instead, and chuckled, "I'm not a slut, father. I have a boyfriend. There's a difference"

My mother's hand flew to her chest and a strangled cry came out "What?"

"A boyfriend, mom. That's what you call a guy that you like a lot and do stuff with." I paused and gestured at my father "You must not know how to pick them if you ended up with him."

My heart beat fast. What was I doing? My mother's wide eyes glistened with tears "Tamara Grace! What has happened to you?"

"Happened to me?" I laughed "Happened to me??? Everything! Everything you barred and hindered me from doing has happened to me since we moved! These last few months in this town have been the happiest I've ever been!"

"Enough!" My father roared and stood up "I will not sit here and be disrespected by a girl who has turned to the world! A boy. That's all it took for you to lose your way?! Do you know how much damnation you have brought upon yourself? Upon this family?!"

"Shut up father." That was something I had always wanted to say but I really didn't think I ever would. My mother gasped again. "Do you know how much misery you bring upon this family? You are a bully! A tyrant!"

My cheek suddenly stung and my entire body flew backwards. He hit me. My father had done a lot of things to me in the past but he had never laid a finger on me. He stood there, his fists clenched. breathing hard.

Tears sprang to my eyes as I lay on the floor looking up and the people I called my parents; the people I was willing to give Grey up for. I got up, the tears now streaming down my face, and ran up to my room.

I was not losing Grey like this.

I picked up my phone from where I'd left it earlier and scrolled through my contact list before clicking on the name I wanted and sending a text.

Me: Could u come pick me?

The reply was almost instantaneous, Where r u?

Me: At home

On my way.

I put the phone down and dragged the suitcase with the clothes my aunt bought out of my wardrobe and began throwing stuff into it carelessly until it was almost bursting. Then I took my school bag and filled it with my books and school stuff. Lastly, I put my Bible in. My parents did not represent my faith.

My phone dinged with a text, I'm here

Right on time. I zipped up the suitcase; which is a lot harder than it sounds and slung my school bag over my shoulder.

I rolled the suitcase until I got to the top of the stairs and then stopped to figure out how I would get it down. I shrugged and just dragged it down, not bothering to be careful not to damage it. My parents were still in the sitting room when I got down. My mother seemed to be crying while my father was trying to comfort her.

I ignored them and headed straight for the door.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I paused by the door "Away. Enjoy your move. I'll be back for the rest of my stuff."

My father sneered "So you're going to live on the streets? Or tell me, how do you expect to survive without your parents? You'll come crawling back tomorrow."

I almost felt sorry for how stupid he sounded. I walked out the door and down the porch steps. Scott got down immediately he saw me and came to help me with my bag.

"Thank you" I said, as we got into his car.

He smiled "Of course. Where to?"

I winced, this was the part I was hesitant about. "Um...I was kind of hoping you could take me back to where you picked me up on the night of the party. I'm sorry, but I can't find the place on my own."

I thought it was my imagination but his face darkened a bit before he smiled again and said "No problem."

He put the car in drive and eased forward. "Want to tell me why you're crying and why I'm picking you up at 11pm?"

I liked Scott, a lot. We had been friends for a while now and he was always there when I needed him but I still felt weird talking about my personal life with him. "Just a disagreement with my parents."

He hummed, I'm sure he knew there was more to it but he didn't ask which I appreciated.

We drove for a while as I sagged into my seat as I thought about what I was doing. I'd made the right choice for sure. I couldn't imagine living without Grey


Would I regret it?

Update coming a little early this week...hope y'all like it.

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