Chapter 21 - The Connection

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Olivia rushed home after school the next day so she could get ready to go to Julies.

She only had a week and 3 days to get this song finished for her audition for the show case and she was stressed about it.

Now she didn't have Reggie to worry about, that situation was kinda perfect, and she had caught up with school all her panic could be put into one thing, The Rodeo.

She went up to her room to freshen up, before heading over to work with the boys and Julie. She slipped her jacket off and put it over the chair at her desk.

Before last night she hadn't really thought about the little scars on her left arm, she just thought how ugly their were. She looked down at them running a finger over one.

Now she thought they were a part of her, but not something she needed to hide, they were her battle wounds. A battle she was winning, had won. She knew the band wouldn't judge her for that.

Before she could think anymore she heard a poof in the corner in her room and turned to see Alex falling down on to her bed.

"Hey, I'm literally getting ready, I'll be over in a minute." She said smiling at him.

"Oh yeah I know, there's just something I want to give you before you did." He handed her a CD with the name December Rock across it. "It's your dads. That was his band. Theres something I need to tell you." He patted the space next to him on the bed.

She climbed over sitting down next to him, staring at the CD case in her hands the whole time. He'd never really talked about his old band with her, she didn't know anything about them.

"Reggie worked it out, which is impressive for him." She went to slap his arm which of course went though him, she felt like she needed to stick up for Reggie more.

"He's very smart actually if you give him a chance." She said a smirk on her face.

"Right sorry forget you're in love with him." He said as they both laughed.

"Oh shut up I'm not in love, get to the point Mercer." She said crossing her arms.

"Sorry, Reggie thought I was probably the best one to come tell you and I thought it might be better doing it before you came over." He could feel him self rambling, he needed to get to the point, he could tell she wouldn't him to too. "We think we did know your parents or at least your dad. You said something to Reggie the other day."

She cut him off remembering yesterday at school. "A River never backs out of a deal? Is that why he was being weird."

"Well weirder yeah, we knew a guy who was in a band in the 90s, who was from Nashville, who used to say that too, his name was Jack."

She just stared at him. She didn't say anything just looked at him. He could see the cogs going in her mind.

"Livie you ok?" He said going to put a hand on her arm but she jumped up before he could even try.

"Wait here, two seconds."

She ran over to her wardrobe, going thought some boxes and finally lifting something in the air getting up and running over to him sitting down next to him again.

"This is my mum and dad, I think summer 1994 at one of his gigs, my mums name was."

"Molly." He said cutting her off looking down at the photo taking it out her hands, studying the faces in the photo, a photo he took.

"So you did know them? What were they like back then?" She spoke quickly, she was excited to learn more about them.

"Your dad was so talented, he wrote all their songs, he carried that band really." He said laughing a happy tear falling down her face. "He was also an amazing guy, he was a couple years older than us so he kinda looked out for us. You know Reggie was his favourite."

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