Chapter 11 - The Roof Top

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"Hi I'm Olivia, so nice to meet you" The girl smiled up at the lady shaking her hand.

"You're very talented Olivia, we'd be lucky to have you perform in our show case in a few months, here's my card give me a call in a few weeks and we can chat." The lady past her a business card and walked away.

Olivia just stared at the card in her hand it seemed like a dream like any minute she'd wake up. Her dad used to go to The Rodeo and listen to music, he wanted to perform there but he never got the chance.

"My dad used to go to this club." The girl said so quietly she wasn't sure anyone else could hear her in the noise of the cafe. But she turned to see the boys all stood behind her.

"He'd be so proud." Alex said going to put a hand on her shoulder but stopping before he did, remembering he couldn't comfort the girl he'd begun to see as a sister.

"You'll do it wont you?" Reggie said looking deep into her eyes. He could almost hear her mind racing.

But before she could speak Sarah was behind her with Ray. "You were amazing!" She pulled her niece into the tightest hug. Reggie could only look on, a pain in his stomach, he was jealous.

The boys looked at each other and poofed back to the studio. Leaving the rest of group to celebrate both the amazing girls.

Olivia laid on her bed that night on too much of a high from the performance to sleep. It was 2am now she felt it was pointless to even try and sleep now.

It was dark in her room the only light was the moon coming in from her window. She turned over to look towards the window but as she did she saw a figure standing in her room.

She sat up quickly to turn her lamp on but it had gone as quickly as it had appeared. Maybe she imagined it.

She definitely couldn't sleep now, her heart was pounding, she got up and throw on an oversized hoodie over her top and jogging bottoms.

She snuck down stairs and made the 5 minute walk to Julies house.

No lights were on in the house and no lights on in the studio. She was happy for that. She had this feeling of just peacefulness for a minute, but she knew what tomorrow was.

She climbed on to the bins next to the studio and pushed herself up on to the roof, trying to be as quite as possibly.

She sat down in the middle pulling her knees into her chest hugging her legs and resting her head on her knees. She looked out on the town below her, just as peaceful as she was.

After a minute she heard a poof next to her and she knew who it was. They sat in silence for a moment neither one of them knowing what to say.

It wasn't that long ago since they'd been up here together. Then she wasn't confused about what she wanted. 

"I'm sorry." They said together, she let out a little laugh and they finally looking at each other. 

"Wait what are you sorry for?" Reggie said looking at girl a little confused, he made a mental note of how beautiful she looked in that moment in the moon light. 

"Well I guess for avoiding this whole thing, for avoiding you. It's just I'm not very good at this." She said not being able to look away from him, she couldn't pull her eyes away from his.  

"What do you mean?" He raised an eye brow at her running a hand thought his hair. She watched as it fell in front of his face again, she wished she could reach out and push the strand out of his face.

"I guess I'm not good at expressing my feeling in a healthy way. I either bottle them up until I explore or.." He cut her off.

"You never talk about them? I get that, I guess I use my humour to hide what I'm feeling, all of us have our own ways of getting by Liv." He never called her that, only ever Olivia, Luke called her Liv and Alex called her Livie, but it was different from Reggie. It kinda made her head a little foggy. 

"It's just...I guess....god this is bloody hard." She ran her hands thought her hair, putting them down on the roof top.  

All he wished was that he could comfort her, reassure her some how. He looked down at her hand next to her, he knew it wouldn't be the same but it was the best he come do right now. 

He put his hand down on the top of hers lacing his fingers in between her's. 

But he could feel her and he knew she could to. Her breathe got stuck in her throat as she felt his warm hand over hers, his thumb rubbing her hand. They didn't look at each other for a second.

She felt like someone was giving her this moment. Letting her feel his hand on hers made her melt. It was like someone out there wanted her to open up, wanted her to feel close to him.

"You can tell me anything" He said looking at her. She turned toward him not moving her hand an inch but she needn't to know if it was just this. 

She lifted her other hand from the roof leaning toward him, she lifted her hand to touch his cheek but it went straight though. She turned back quickly looking back out over the city but still never letting go of each others hands.

She took a shaking breathe, this was lot for her. "The last boy, back in England, he wan't very nice to put it simply. He didn't make me feel safe or wanted, he used me. I guess I just don't know if I'm ready, there's not much of my heart left for anymore to be broken." She finally looked back at him to find he'd never looked away from her. "But don't you dare let go Reginald." She said looking down at their hands and back up to his eyes.

"You know I'd never treat you like that right? I only want you do be happy. You make me feel happy, happier then when I was alive, but I don't know how long..." She cut him off this time.

"Reggie don't, I know, but just sit with me while this latests, this might be the only time I get to feel your hand in mine, can we deal with the rest tomorrow?" She knew she wouldn't talk about this tomorrow but she didn't want to talk about losing him when she'd only just got the chance to feel him.

"We'll go at your speed."

They stayed up on the roof until the sun started to come up over the houses. At that time she remembered she needed to get back to the house before Sarah woke up. But she didn't want to, she didn't want to let go of him. 

"The last thing you need is Sarah worrying about you. I'll see you later." He poofed back in the studio and she made her way down side of the roof. 

Her hand still warm from his.

Julie got back from her day out with Flynn and she went straight out into the studio looking for the boys. "Have any of you seen Olivia today?" She said bursting thought the doors.

"Hello to you to." Alex said from the stall behind his drum kit standing up as he did.

"I haven't but you should talk to Reggie here, he was up on the roof with her all night." Luke said smirking over at the bassist on the couch. 

"Dude!" Reggie said getting up turning to Julie in the door way. "Why?"

"Was she ok?" She said worry in her voice.

"Yeah we just talked, and then she left when the sun came up so she could get back before Sarah got up for work, but why? Whats going on?" He was worried now, he did find it weird she never came over to talk again but he thought she might just be busy and he didn't want to poof to her incase she was.

"Dad just said Sarah came over like an hour ago, she got back from work and Olivia wasn't home she assumed she was here but dad hasn't heard from her all day and neither have me or Flynn, I thought maybe she was with you guys. I'm worried." She looked like she might cry as so much started to run thought her head. 

Luke walked over to her pulling her in to a hug resting his head on top of hers. "It'll be ok, we'll find her, she can't have gotten that far." 

"Wait!" Julie pulled out of his arms grabbing her phone looking at the date. "Oh my god I totally forgot, I know where she is" 

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