Chapter 17 - The Kiss

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"Willie?" Alex stood up looking at the boy stood in the door way.

The rest of group looked over to where the blonde was looking. That was the boy from the other day Olivia thought. 

The boy in the door way looked like he wanted to say something but didn't just stared at Alex then at Olivia and then poofed out the studio. 

Alex poofed out after him, the rest of the group not too sure what to do. They all look between each other. Luke poofed out and Julie run out into the garden when they heard an argument start outside. 

Reggie didn't take his eyes off the girl in front of him for a second, still with his hand intwined in hers and his hand on her face. 

"We should go check on them." Olivia said breaking the silence between them. She didn't want to and neither did he, they were both worried if they let go they'd never be able to again.

"Yeah" Was all he said as they kept they hands together, either ready to let go, and walked outside. Reggie felt using the door for a change was weird.

"What happened then?" Alex said to the boy she assumed was Willie, they kept behind Luke not wanting to intrude.

The long haired boy looked past Alex to the redhead holding on to Reggies arm. "Olivia?"

"Yeah. How do you know me? And why do I recognise you?" She said stepping forward Reggie instinctively following her past Luke, who looked at him worried.

"Olivia it's a bit of a long story." Willie said looking at Alex, she could tell he didn't want to talk about this with him here, she could see in his eyes how he felt about the blonde she cared for and then a thought came to her mind. 

"Wait where you the figure in my room?" The rest of group looked at her worry in their eyes, but she kept her eye on the new boy. They remembered her freaking out the other day in the studio but she'd never said the figure was in her room. 

"What?!" Even Willie seemed worried but his worry was for another reason, another ghost who could be watching her. "No, no I don't know anything about that, I saw you the other day running here and I thought it couldn't be a coincidence you where coming here." He said looking around, she assumed he'd been here before.

"This doesn't make sense. Why would you assume I knew the boys?" Olivia could feel her palms getting sweaty and her heart pounding in her chest. The only thing keeping her from spiralling was Reggies hand still in her. She looked up at him and smiled. Not ready for what Willie was about to say.

"It was me." He was looking down at his feet he couldn't bare to see the look in her eyes, in Alex's eyes. "It was me that night your parents died" She just stared at him waiting for him to look at her.

The rest of the group looking at her waiting for her to say something, no one knew what to say. "I thought my dad didn't hit you?" Her voice calmer than she had expected.

Willie took a deep breathe. "He didn't I died a week later skating on that same road, I'd been trying to find out what hospital you were in and I was on my way to check on you, I felt so responsible for that night."

She couldn't think. Her mind was blank. She had felt responsible for that night for 2 years but know stood there she didn't know what to think. She felt Reggie squeeze her hand bring her out of her thought looking up at him.

"I have to go." She said letting go of Reggies hand for the first time, letting her own to fall next to her as she bolted out the garden and down the street. His hand was cold instantly. 

She could hear faint voices as she left them.

"Well what did you expect her to say?!" It was Luke being as over protective as ever but she needed to be anywhere else but there.

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