Chapter 34 - The Day Of

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It was Friday night now and Olivia laid on her bed staring up at the ceiling, waiting for her mind to settle down so she could sleep.

The past couple of days had gone by so quickly it had all blurred into one for her.

She'd called Lisa to explain that half the band that would be performing with her would be holograms and she'd only need two mic and a keyboard on stage. She sounded confused and little skeptical of it all but Olivia sent her Julies youtube video and she seemed to be ok with it after that.

They had practiced the song to death at this point and any nerves she had about the whole thing where gone. At this point she was just excited to perform with them all.

The only person who was more excited than her was Reggie. Not just because he was happy of her, that was a given, but because he was finally getting to play a country song. Olivia couldn't get the look on his face out her mind, his face lit up every time they played it, she hoped she'd get to write with him more.

Her and Julie had also been helping Alex plan a date with Willie for the Sunday. They hadn't really seen Willie the past couple of days but Alex said he'd told him they'd be busy and he probably hadn't wanted to be in the way.

But in true Olivia fashion she was still worrying. She felt like things were too good at this point, she was waiting for the other shoe to drop. She had a great boyfriend, even if no one could see him he still made her happy, she had great friends, doing well at school and now the opportunity to play at the best country club in LA.

Things were good, too good.

As she drifted off to sleep the other thing that came to mind that could come back round to bite her in the ass was Caleb.

"Olivia!!" Julie shouts as she come barging into her room jumping on to the bed and landing on the girl.

"Jesus Julie." Olivia said as she pushed Julie off of her and sat up rubbing her face with her hands as her eyes adjusted to the sun light "What's the matter?" She was not a morning person and if Julie didn't have a good reason for waking her this early she would not be happy.

"Nothing, but todays the day!" Julie laughed and jumped up like an overly excited puppy, Reggie was clearly rubbing off on her. "It's performance day!" She shouted throwing her hands up in the air and spinning around for good measure.

Olivia just blinked at her. "Yes I know but why does that mean I need to be up at." She leaned over on to the floor to pick up her phone and see the time. "8am! Julie!" She groaned throwing her head back down on to her pillow and closing her eyes.

"But we have stuff to do!" Julie said pulling her friend back up and out of bed. "Get dressed, we're going to have breakfast and then I want to check our outfits again and then I want to." Word vomit was contagious around here Olivia thought as the words came spilling out of Julies mouth.

Olivia put her hands of her friends shoulders making her stop. "Julie calm." Julie took a deep breathe as Olivia spun her finger around signalling for the girl to spin around so she could change. "I'm sure I'm the one that's meant to be freaking out." She said as she picked up her jeans from the floor and slipping them on.

Olivia tapped her shoulder so she could turn back around as she throw on a cozy sweatshirt on so she still felt like was in bed, "Yeah that's true, why aren't you?" Julie said as she looked at her friend puzzled.

It was nice to see Olivia calm for a change, Julie thought that actually it was just nice to see her happy really. Julie was just happy that Olivia had settle back in to her life here even if it was with the edition of 3 ghosts. Julie took a moment to think about how much her life had changed too in the last couple of months, not that she'd change a thing.

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