Chapter 22 - The Surprise

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-------- Author Note - I've never done this before but I'd like to dedicate this chapter to @CatasticVulcan she's been so amazing in helping me work out where I wanted this story to go and she's been so super supportive with everything and also for being the only friend I have to talk about JATP with, so just want to say a huge thank you to her for everything 🥰

- Also no one asked for this but it just shows how much free time I have on my hands because I made a Pinterest board for Olivia, just to give you guys an idea of her vibe, free feel to have a look 🥰

"Luke." She said taking some steps towards him. She could open up to him so easily when he was helping her write but this felt different to her. She had want to tell him and Alex together she felt like that would have easier.

He looked up from his guitar meeting her eyes letting out a deep sigh. "It's ok Liv, I get it, we're just not as close." The look in his eyes was worse then the look in Alex's eyes when she had told him. She could only imagine how he felt, like she was keeping something from him. He'd done so much her and he was the last to know.

It was like being the only kid not invited to the party except the party was horrible time in her life she didn't share because she didn't want people to be uncomfortable around her. She didn't like the look they gave her. Either they felt sorry for her or thought she was wasting her life. 

She went to speak but he stopped her. "Alex is like your brother, you basically have the same brain and Reggie well I know he has your heart. I'm just."

She cut him off she couldn't stand that he thought he wasn't as important to her. "Luke you are so important to me, don't even think you're not." She was stood right in froward of him now making sure he was looking at her, she wanted to make sure he was actually listening to her. "When you guys had nothing else you always had each other, right? When I had nothing I also had no one, I guess sometimes I still find it hard to believe people would want to be in my life, that they want to know things about me, that they care enough to." 

She stopped looking down at floor letting a tear fall from her eye. "But now, now I have Reggie and Alex yes but I also have an amazing, protective, inspiring, at times super annoying big brother." She smiled at him.

It felt weird being the one trying to make him fell better it was always the other way round. He was always the getting her pumped up, making her see how great she was.

"I thought Alex was." He looked away from her taking a seat on the amp behind him.

"Well yeah, Alex is yes basically a clone of my brain you're right but Luke you push me to do things I couldn't even dream of doing when I came back here. It wasn't that I didn't want to talk to you, I guess I just didn't want to let you down. You see me in way I could never see myself." He look at her a proud smile on his face. "I was going to tell both of you when I got here but Alex came to tell me."

"About your dad." Luke wished in a small part of his brain they had decided he could go tell her. "And Liv, you could never let me down."

"Well my mum too, Molly was my mum, Alex recognised both of them from I picture I had." She moved to sit next to him. "It's kinda crazy."

"Maybe Alex is right they are up there, maybe they wanted us to come into your life, help you." He turned his head to look at her and they smiled at each other. 

"Well then I think I should tell you too." She said a bigger smile on her face happy that he knew how important he was to her.

"I think I probably already know." He said looking down at the rolled up sleeve of the sweat shirt she had on for a change, quickly looking back up to meet her eyes.

What A Small World - Julie and The Phantoms - ReggieOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora