Chapter 9 - The Dream

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"Olivia you can't keep doing this! You were gone for days I had no idea what was going on!" Her grandmother was screaming at her in the kitchen, she'd been gone for 2 days she couldn't remember where.

"You don't know what's going on? Oh I can tell you, you ripped me away from my home! My friends! The rest of the family who actually cared!" Olivia hated being here, she tried really hard to not, she tried to fit in but when she didn't she met people who didn't fit in either.

They weren't bad kids, they just won't the best for her either but they made her feel normal. Like the pain and saddens she felt wasn't so strange. But that was the problem. She lived in the pain everyday, she couldn't move on here. She couldn't live in happy or live at all. She might be lucky to be alive but on the inside she had died back in that car. Her soul had left her, she wanted to feel again, feel anything.

Olivia started to walk away up the stairs to her room but her grandmother grabbed her shoulder turning her back around. For an old lady she was scary. Olivia always thought she was, even as a little girl. She'd moved to London not long after she was born but when she came to visit Olivia was seen but not heard, she learnt that it was easier to just not say anything. She hated Olivia's mother, she never thought she was good enough for her father, that used to break him.

"Oh and you think your mothers sister would have done a better job! If only your father hadn't moved to LA all those years ago!"

"Don't you dare say that! They loved each other! And yeah I do think Aunt Sarah would have done a better job! She'd care about what I feel and not try to pretend it doesn't exist. Why can't you let me move on and heal?"
"Because you killed them you stupid girl!" She screamed lifting her hand and slapping the girl around her face.

Olivia woke up in a sweat. She must have been screaming or crying or both because 10 seconds later Sarah was running thought the door.

"Is everything ok! Are you ok?" She stood in the room baseball in hand. Eyes wide trying to see in the dark.

"What you going to do Sara beat the nightmare away?" Olivia said sitting up and turning her lamp on so she could see her.

"Well I mean if I have to." Sarah leaned the bat against the door and came to sit next to her niece in bed stoking her forehead. "Nightmares again? The crash or evil grandmother from the cold land?" Olivia let out a light chuckle, the cold land was what she called England and she wasn't wrong.

Sarah was great Olivia thought.

Didn't matter what it was she could always put a smile on her face. It was the same when she was a kid too, no monster under the bed or scrapped knee was a match for Auntie S.

"Evil grandma tonight, I just seem to replay the last conversation we had." Olivia learned into Sarah and she cuddled her niece in tight.

All Sarah even wanted was to make Olivia happy. She loved being the fun Aunt when she was younger. She stared at her niece curled up next to her and all she could see was her sister. As much as it hurt to was nice too, very day she could still see her sisters eyes.

It had broke her when she was taken away, she wanted more than anything to have looked after her from the start. But to have her back now was all she could asked for. Now all she wanted was for her to be happy and to live and in the short time she'd been back she'd started to see her smile again, she wanted to know who she needed to thank for that.

"You know she's not right, right? She's an evil old woman who always hated my sister, your mum for taking your dad away from her. They loved you so much like so much, they would want you to live. Ok?" Olivia nodded, she knew she was right deep down, but she still couldn't always shake the feeling she was to blame. "I think maybe you're also a bit nervous about tomorrow night? Think maybe it's bringing everything back?" Sarah wished her had talent like this girl had. Olivia had more talent in her little finger than Sarah had in her whole body she thought. She wanted her to share it, she wanted her to grab life and live everything second of it and she knew music would do that for her.

"Yeah....I think you're probably right. I just don't want to disappoint them I guess, you know? I preformed in front of my class which was amazing but this is different." She fiddled with her fingers not being able to look up at her Aunt.

"I think they would be so proud, cause I am." She look down at the little girl in her arms, she still remembered when she was born. She couldn't love her anymore than she did now. "You will do amazing because you always do and they'll be watching and I'll be watching wishing I was as amazing and talented as you." They both smiled now a small tear rolling down Sarah's face. "Right I think you should get back to sleep big day tomorrow, don't need to falling asleep at school before the night." Sarah gave her one last squeeze before getting up and leaving. As Olivia turned off her lamp and laid back down the older red head turned round to see her one last time before closing the door and heading back to bed herself.

School had gone by in a blur and before she knew it it was the end for the day. She went straight home so she was could have a little panic and get ready.

She stared at her wardrobe for what literally felt like forever. She was lucky Sarah kept all her mum and dads clothes when the house was sold. She needed a little bit of each them for tonight, she needed to feel close to them. She'd been thought them all a 100 times and remembered a black and red checked skirt her mum had, was a kinda pencil skirt but came midi thigh on her. She wanted one of her dads band tee shirts to wear with it to give her normal grundy look.

As she went through the box of t shirts one more time she pulled out a white t shirt from the bottom she didn't remember seeing before. "How on earth?"

"Have any of you seen Olivia yet? She's meant to be riding with me and dad and her aunts meeting us there after work? I'm getting worried she left school so quick today I didn't get a chance to talk to her, what if she changed her mind?" Julie was the one on the catwalk tonight as the boys all sat on the couch watching her.

Luke stood up standing in front of her grabbing both her hands in his. "Julie you need to calm down, she'll be here promise."

Julie looked him in the eyes and took a breathe he always calmed her down. She wished Olivia had that too. She turned to look at the other boys too. "It's just I overheard her aunt tell my dad she's having nightmares again I just wish there was more I could do for her."

Reggie felt like shit. He wanted to be the one to fix this, he wanted to be the one to help make her happy but he'd really messed up. He let his own insecurities get in the way and didn't think how it would affect her. She couldn't even be around him. Alex and Luke had been to see her and he wanted to too but he didn't want to make it worse. All he wanted was to see her, he wanted to hold her too but he couldn't do that either. He looked at Lukes hands holding Julies, thats what he wanted.

Alex could feel Reggie spiralling and he knew why. Alex had wanted to do more to fix things between his friends but he couldn't get Livie back to the studio, she had to want to herself. He reached his hand up putting it his friends shoulder. Reggie looked at him giving him a small smile. "I'm just going to get some air before we leave." As he reached the doors they flow open revealing his red head standing in front of him.

She was smiling bright at him. He knew it was a real smile cause it reached her eyes. Her eyes that sparkled when she meant it. He felt his heart lift, he hadn't realised just had much he needed that.

"Hey" Was all she could say. She hadn't realised how much she'd missed him. She knew that any work she'd done to not like him was out the window as soon as she saw him.

He looked at all of her. She was beautiful.

But before he could say anything he heard Luke from behind him. "What are you wearing?" Reggie hadn't even noticed what Luke was talking about until he saw the white t-shirt she was wearing under her leather jacket. A bigger smile appearing on both their faces.

She had a Sunset Curve top on.

------ Author Note - Sorry its been a few days, haven't been doing that great and been back to work so not had much time.

- Wanted to give little bit more background to Liv so hope you guys liked the chapter, as always love to hear what you guys think :) and thank you so much for reading :)

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