Co- Captains - 2

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Stiles glided into the kitchen, he opened the fridge and took the milk out, drinking out of it as I dug for some grapes. 

"Whatcha doing?" Stiles asked his Dad, who sat at the table looking through some things. 


"Anything we can help with?" 

"You know, if you poured me an ounce of whiskey, that would be awfully nice." 

Stiles rushed to get the whiskey while I stood there and popped a grape into my mouth. I shouldn't really even be here with Stilinski doing his investigation work about my cousin. 

"Any leads?" Stiles questioned, sitting down and reaching to the papers but Stilinski slapped his hand away. I took a seat next to Stiles and averted my eyes from the pictures that were scattered around the table. 

"You know I can't discuss that with you." Stilinski pointed at me. "Especially you." 

I shook my head, "I am, perfectly okay with that." I don't want to see pictures of dead people anyway. 

"Not too much!" Sheriff said as Stiles started pouring the whisky into his glass. Instead of doing that, Stiles poured him an entire glass. "Okay. There you go, Dad." 


"Bottoms up." 

Without even looking at the glass, Sheriff took it and drank it down. And really quickly to. 

"You know, Derek Hale would be a whole hale of a lot--" I bit my tongue so I wouldn't start laughing. Wow, that didn't take long. His words were all slurred as he talked, guess he's not much of a drinker. Sigh, I wish I could get drunk. Stupid healing metabolism. 

"Hale of a lot...?" 

"Hell of a lot?" I corrected, putting the bowl of grapes on my lap. Stilinski nodded, snapping his fingers. "Your last name is funny." I fought back a laugh. 

"He would be a hell of a lot easier to catch if we could get an actual picture of him." 

Stiles glanced up at him. "How do you not have a picture of him?" He asked incredulously. 

"It's the weirdest thing...It's like every time we tried to get a mug shot, it's like two laser-beams were pointing at the camera." 

I smiled as I looked at the photo in Stiles hands. He was right, two blue lasers. 

Stiles gave me a look of confusion. I whispered to him so Sheriff wouldn't hear. 

"Camera lenses can't catch our supernatural eyes." He turned back to the photo impressed. "Nice." There is actually a certain kind of lens that can take a picture of us without capturing our supernatural eyes. I'm sure Derek just showed his eyes to the computer so it would also cover his entire face. A normal snap of the camera would just cover the eyes. 

"Oh, my God..." Stilinski groaned, covering his face. "Ohhh! God, that ounce hit me like a brick. And I have said way too much, and if you two repeat any of that--" Stilinski said in warning. 

"Dad, it's me! I'm not gonna say anything. Come on!" 

I chuckled as Stiles picked up a paper, I grabbed what looked like death certificates, seeing as they had my family's names. Aunt Talia, Cora, Laura the rest of my uncles and cousins. 

"See, the thing is, they're all connected...I mean, the bus driver that got killed? He was an insurance investigator assigned to the Hale House Fire." Stilinski explained, holding up the document. I looked at him surprised. "He was?" 

Stiles read out loud from the document. "Terminated under suspicion of fraud." 


 "Who else?" I asked curious. This must have been everything Laura had been researching. 

"The video store clerk who got his throat slashed? He's a convicted felon-- history of arson." I looked at the pictures of the guys injuries with a shudder and a scowl. 

"What about the other two guys, the guys who got killed in the woods?" Stiles asked, referring to the two guys that he and Scott encountered in the woods when they were getting drunk. Well, when Stiles was getting drunk. "Priors all over their records, including--" 

I sighed knowing what he was going to say. "Arson." I take the documents and started rearranging them. Trying to somewhat recreate the image I had seen on Laura's desk. I stare that them when I finished. That was it. This is what she was looking for. 

"They all had something to do with my families fire."  I looked down at the documents. "They were involved." These people helped kill my family. 

"...Another shot?" Stiles questioned his dad enthusiastically, wanting to get him a little more drunk so he could speak more. 

 "No, no, no. No more." Stilinski said slurred sitting up. "Dad, come on! You work really hard, all right? You deserve it." 

Stilinski groaned and rubbed his face. "Oh, my God...I'm gonna have such a hangover." 

Stiles chuckled grabbed the bottle of jack. "You mean you're gonna have such a good night's sleep!" 

"I'm gonna have an eternity in the lowest circle of hell..." He muttered as he poured the drink. 

"Stiles, there's just so many questions." 

"Like what?" 

"Like, if Derek wanted to kill everyone involved with the fire, then why start with his sister? I mean, she had nothing to do with it. Why make it look like some kind of animal did it?" 

"Because it wasn't him." I told Stilinski. "Derek only arrived in town the day after she was found." Stilinski shook his head. "There was no proof he didn't arrive before." 

"There is also no proof it was him." 

I should know I am looking at all of his papers. If only I could tell him who it really was. I very much wanted to say it was Peter. My psychotic uncle wanted her spark to get his revenge. 

"When that cougar ended up in the parking lot. I checked with animal control-- you know the instances of wild animal reports were up seventy percent over the past few months? It's like they're going crazy, running out of the woods... I don't know..." 

"Or something's scaring them out..." I sighed, I got up and grabbed Stiles hand. "Stiles come here." 

I led Stiles away to his room for some privacy. "All of this is starting to click." 

Stiles nodded in agreement. "All of this, everything that's happen is related to your families death." 

"Those people. I'm pretty sure Laura was investigating them." Stiles eyes went wide. "So she was looking in to that what she was killed? Wait that means your uncle stole her research." 

Among other things. "He's getting revenge." 

Stiles' phone rang and he dug it out of his pocket, "Hey Scott you will never believe what Izzie and I found out." He paused his explanation. "Stiles Peter's with my mom!" I frown and snatch his phone. "What? What do you mean my uncle is with your mom?!" 

"He just showed up as her date!" We will talk about Melissa's taste in men later. "Well were are they?" 

"They just left! I need you to stall them!" I nod and looked at Stiles. "We're on our way." 

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