ix. heaven can't help me now

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Aurora paced back and forth in her flat

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Aurora paced back and forth in her flat. She hated the way she had all lashed out at them, but she knew that her anger was something she wouldn't be able to change.

She had been debating about whether or not she should go to the manor and stay until the next morning, to be there for Remus. But she wasn't sure if he would want her there or not. She might not entirely like him, but they were going to be married, and this was something that affected his health.

Aurora quickly cast a tempus charm to check the time. 8pm. If she went now, he wouldn't be there. That was the thought that got Aurora out the door. She grabbed her coat and apparated to the front of the house.

This time when she knocked, it was quite loud, hoping whoever was in the house would hear her.

Luckily, Lily Potter opened up the door and looked at her, shocked.

"May I come in?" Aurora asked. Lily just nodded her head, unsure of why Aurora was here. "Thanks," She smiled lightly at the redhead and walked through the doorway.

"Cup of coffee?" Lily asked, nervous.

"Yes please,"

Lily quickly got to making a pot for the both of them, doing it the muggle way. "Not much of a fan of tea then?"

Aurora faintly laughed. "No, I never understood the use of drinking hot water,"

"Hm, sometimes it has different effects," Lily said.

"Maybe, but I guess I'm much too deep in my hatred for tea to stop it,"

Lily poured the coffee into two mugs and handed one over to the brunette.

"Where is everyone?" Aurora asked. She had expected Remus to not be there, but the only resident seemed to be Lily, and Aurora assumed Lily's child too.

"They're out with Remus," Lily said, sipping the hot coffee.

"What do you mean? Isn't that dangerous?"

"They're all animagi, so it's safe,"

"Huh," Aurora copied Lily and sat quietly drinking the hot liquid.

After a few beats of silence, Lily spoke up. "What are you doing here?"

Aurora's face flushed lightly. She knew that it was going to be a question asked, but that didn't mean she wanted to answer it.

"I guess I was...," She paused. "I was worried,"

Lily's mouth fell open slightly in shock.

"I know, it's shocking even for me,"

"Yes, it is," Lily laughed. "I really wasn't expecting it,"

Aurora sighed, knowing that it would have majorly been because of her yelling at two people in this house this morning. "I know,"

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