xlix. captivated by you (like a fireworks show)

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They had settled into somewhat of a routine for the next two days

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They had settled into somewhat of a routine for the next two days. They woke up late and laid in bed for a while until one of them decided they were too hungry, and so they would go to the kitchen to have breakfast and fill their day with watching films, reading, playing board games (Remus had ruled out monopoly though upon hearing from Benjy how competitive Aurora gets).

When Thursday came around, Remus fell asleep sometime in the afternoon and Aurora wasn't going to wake him up as he most likely needed all the sleep he could get.

Peter was the first come over after his work had finished for the day, and the pair of them were trying to pass the time by playing Go Fish.

"You've gotten better," Aurora commented when Peter won—in her defence, it was the fifth round they were playing.

Peter smiled at her sheepishly. "I might have convinced Emmeline to practice with me,"

"And how did that work out?"

"Surprisingly well," Aurora laughed and reshuffled the cards, both of them falling silent as they focused on winning.

The next person to arrive was James, who instantly joined in despite being absolutely awful and having forgotten half the rules.

Soon enough everyone else had arrived, turning the once quiet atmosphere into a cacophony of voices, each wanting to win, and Aurora couldn't help but feel sorry for everyone in Gryffindor who had to put up with the noise for seven years.

"Someone should go and wake Remus," Lily said after she checked the time. Aurora hummed in agreement and found three cards of nines in her hand and placed them down on the table, only looking up when she realised no one had spoken for a while.

"You guys want me to do it?"

"He's much nicer to you!" James tried to defend himself and his friends. "He usually tells me to piss off and then he goes back to sleep."

Aurora rolled her eyes and stood up from the sofa. "Cowards," She said and then headed up the stairs towards Remus' room.

Like the previous month, they had all sat around the table eating the dinner James (who cooked surprisingly well) had made and then they were off. Aurora spent the evening watching films on the tv, providing commentary on them with Lily, Harry and Lois, until they all had gone to bed, leaving her alone in the lounge.

Realistically she knew that the percentage of something going awry was slim, but she couldn't help but worry--the only thing that eased them was when they had returned at half past five in the morning. She then spent the next half an hour holding Remus' hand and coaxing him into drinking some potions, bribing him with chocolate and kisses.

Sirius had helped her bring Remus back to his room and when he left she helped Remus get into his pyjamas--holding back smiles as he tried to make her stop so he could hug her--and finally getting him into bed.

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