ii. begin again

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"So Remus

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"So Remus...," Sirius sauntered up to sit beside him, after he had sat down in the living room. "How'd it go with lover girl?"

All Remus wanted to do in that moment, was wipe the stupid smirk Sirius had on his face.


"Remuuusss," Padfoot whined, irritated Moony wasn't telling him anything further.

"Shut up you big baby. I'm waiting until the others eventually find me to ask me the exact same thing," He really didn't want to have to repeat himself, and subsequently spend more time thinking about Aurora Sullivan than he wanted to.

Only a few seconds later, James and Lily walked into the room, both with matching grins.

Remus mentally sighed. Why couldn't his friends just not care. "We literally sat in silence for 10 minutes. Don't grin like we just had sex in the kitchen,"

"Ugh. That's completely boring!" James complained.

He ran a hand over his face, carefully thinking about what to say next. "I'm sorry my 'love' life isn't exciting enough for you James. And I don't want it anyway, please, take it,"

"Don't go all mopey Moony. If you just move past the heavy sexual tension, you might actually have a proper shot at it,"

"I don't want a proper shot at it!" Remus raised his voice. "And she hates me anyway, and I hate her,"

"You have to admit it though, you two would make a very hot couple," Lily said in an attempt to reason.

He scoffed. "Hot headed more like,"

Sirius was about to joke, but instantly stopped when Remus threw a harsh glare his way. "Maybe this is a chance for you two to actually bury the hatchet, y'know," He had settled for saying.

"Can we just stop talking about Aurora fucking Sullivan?" Remus was getting irritated the more they continued to talk about her, and the others were starting to notice. So they all nodded their heads in understanding. "What about your engagement Padfoot? How's it going with Lois?"

Sirius grinned at the mention of his fiancée. Sirius and Lois had been dating since 5th year at Hogwarts, and were already engaged before their letters arrived. Luckily, both of them had the other named as their 'soulmate'. But Remus didn't think the thing they used to find out this information was reliable. Otherwise his definitely wouldn't be Sullivan.

"Things are going great. Wedding in few weeks. Then off to honeymoon we go!"

"mm, enjoy the honeymoon whilst it lasts - and don't get her pregnant," Lily said. "I really don't want a mini you running around for a few more years,"

The group all laughed at the comment, before realising the horror that would be a mini Sirius or Lois. It would be much worse than Harry - and he was already a little menace.

"I should probably start on dinner," Lily stood up. "Remus?" She called to him, silently asking if he would help her.

Remus nodded and followed her through to the kitchen.

The pair got to work quickly, bringing out the ingredients out of the fridge and efficiently cutting them up. Mostly on Remus' part anyway. None of them wanted to see if he was as bad at cooking as he was at potions. So Lily stood near the oven and stove.

"So Rem..."


"C'mon, give me something! Otherwise I'll poison you," She playfully glared at him, desperate to get him to open up.

"Fine," Remus relented. "What do you want to know?"

"Let me think," Lily paused for a few seconds, trying to think of the best question to ask, she wanted to know everything though, so it was becoming hard to pick out the perfect questions. "How did you feel seeing her again after all this time?" The redhead had picked this question because she had felt it would be the one to get him to speak more.

"I don't know, weird, strange," He laughed bitterly to himself. "I had hoped we wouldn't of had to see each other after school,"

"And why's that?" Lily pried.

"I don't know," He groaned. He did know really. He didn't want to be near her, as he knew all would converse would be insults at one another. And that wasn't something Remus particularly looked forward to.

"You seem to be saying that quite a bit," Lily commented on his response.

Remus chuckled and started changing the subject. "Anyone else we know being forced into marriage?"

"Just try and have a positive perspective on this Remus," Lily said. "Who knows, you might actually fall in love with the girl,"

And with those words, Lily fell silent and continued with cooking, leaving Remus alone to contemplate with his thoughts. Would it really be so bad? And could he just be building it up to something it wasn't in his mind?

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